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Big review term
Big review terminology
Question | Answer |
a/an | without, lack of |
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic Hormone |
ADH | Antidiuretic Hormone |
ad- | toward, in the direction of |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
ambul/o | walk |
amnion | amni/o |
andr/o | male |
ante- | before |
anti- | against |
anus | an/o |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
-asthenia | weakness |
BaE | Barium Enema |
bi- | two,double |
black | melan/o,enthrac/o |
blood | hemat/o,hem/o |
blue | cyan/o |
BM | Bowel movement |
bone | oste/o |
brady- | slow |
brain | encephal/o |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
cardi/o | heart |
cartilage | chondr/o |
CBC | Complete Blood count |
-cele | hernia,swelling |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
cell | cyt/o,-cyte |
chlor/o | green |
choledoch/o | bile duct |
chondr/o | cartilage |
-clasis | to break, surgical fracture |
color | chrom/o |
condition of | -esis, -ia,-ism,-y,-ema,-isy,-sis |
contra- | against |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
core/o | pupil |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resusitation |
cranium | crani/o |
crin/o | secrete |
cry/o | cold |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | Computed Tomography |
CVA | Cerebrovascular Accident |
D&C | Dilation and Curettage |
dacry/o | tear,tear duct |
death | -necrosis,necro |
decrease | penia- |
dent/o | tooth |
destruction of | lysis |
di- | double,two |
dia- | through,across |
dilation | -ectasis |
discharge from | -rrhea |
double | di-,bi- |
dys- | bad,painful,difficult |
ear | aur/o, ot/o, auricul/o |
eardrum | myring/o, tympan/o |
eating, swallowing | phag/o, -phage, -phagia |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ect/o | outside |
-ectasis | dilation |
-ectomy | excision, surgical removal |
-edema | swelling |
EEG | Electroencephalography |
-emesis | vomiting |
-emia | blood condition |
enlargement | -megaly |
eosin/o | rose, dawn coloured |
epi- | upon, on |
ER | Emergency room |
-esthesia | feeling, sensation |
eu- | good |
excessive | hyper- |
excision | -ectomy |
exo- | outward |
eye | ocul/o, ophthalm/o |
false | pseudo- |
first | primi- |
forming, producing | -genesis, gen/o, -poiesis |
FSH | Follicle Stimulating Hormone |
Fx | Fracture |
gastr/o | stomach |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
glands | aden/o |
gluc/o | sugar, glucose |
glyc/o | sugar, glucose |
GP | General Pactitioner |
-gram | record |
-graph | instrument to record |
-graphy | process of recording |
gray | glauc/o |
gray matter | poli/o, poli- |
Hgb | Hemoglobin |
hearing | acous/o, -acusis, audi/o, -cusia, -cusis, audit/o, audi/o |
heart | cardi/o |
HEENT | Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose , Throat |
hemat/o | blood |
hemi- | one half, half |
hemorrhage | -rrhagia, -rrhage |
hernia | -cele |
hist/o | tissue |
homeostasis | control of same, internal balance |
Hx | history |
hyper- | excessive, above |
hypo- | below, deficency |
-iasis, | abnormal condition of |
-ia | condition of |
ichthy/o | dry scaly |
ICU | Intensive care Unit |
IDDM | Insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus |
ilium | ili/o |
-ism | condition |
incision | -tomy |
inflammation of | itis |
infra- | below, under |
instrument to view | -scope |
instrument to cut | -tome |
instrument to record | -graph |
instrurment to crush | -triptor |
irid/o | iris |
-itis | inflammation |
joint | arthr/o |
kal- | potassium |
kary/o | nucleus |
kidney | nephr/o, ren/o |
kinesi/o | movement |
KUB | Kidney, ureter, bladder |
lack of | -penia |
later/o | side, side by side |
lith/o | stone |
-lysis | destruction, loosening, seperation |
-malacia | softening |
measuring | -metry |
men/o | menses, menstruation, month |
mening/o | meninges |
mes/o | middle |
meta- | change |
-meter | instrument for measuring |
-metry | act of measuring, measuring |
mmHg | millimeters of mercury |
morph/o | shape, form |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis |
muscle | my/o |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
narc/o | stupor, sleep |
narrowing | stenosis |
necr/o | death |
NIDDM | Non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus |
no | non |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NSAIDs | nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs |
nyct/o | night |
OB-GYN | Obstetric andGynecology |
OD | right eye |
-oid | resembling |
-ologist | specialist in the study of |
-ology | study of |
-oma | tumor |
onych/o | nail |
oophor/o | ovary |
-osis | abnormal condition of |
oste/o | bone |
pain | -algia, -dynia, -algesia |
PERRLA | Pupils equal round reactive to light accomadation |
PAP | papanicolaou smear/test |
para- | near, beside |
paralysis | -plegia |
parathyroid | parathyroid/o |
-pathy | disease |
-penia | deficiency, decrease |
-pepsia | digestion |
per- | through, across |
peri- | around, surrounding |
-phagia | eating, swallowing, digestion |
-phasia | speech |
-phonia | voice, sound |
-physis | growth, development |
pil/o | hair |
-plasty | surgical repair of |
-plegia | paralysis |
pod/o | foot |
poli- | gray matter |
poly- | many, much |
pre- | before |
pregnancy | -gravida, -cyesis |
pro- | before |
production of | gen/o, -genisis, -poiesis |
prostat/o | prostate gland |
pt | patient |
-ptosis | drooping, sagging, prolapse, downward displacement |
-ptysis | spitting |
pulmon/o | lung, air |
puncture of | -centesis |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
R/O | rule out |
RA | Rheumatoid Arthitis |
RBC | red blood count (cell) |
rectum | rect/o |
red | erythr/o, erythem/o, rube/o, rhod/o, erythmat/o |
relating to | -ac, -al, -ary, -ic, -eal, -iac, -ical, -ile, -ine, -ior, -itic, -ive, -ory, -tic |
repair of | -plasty |
retro- | behind, backward |
ROM | Range of motion |
rose coloured | eosin/o |
-rrhagia | bursting forth, hemorrhage |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-rrhea | discharge, flow |
-rrhexis | rupture |
RUQ | Right upper quadrant |
salping/o | fallopian tube, oviduct, eustachian tube, tube |
-sarcoma | malignant tumor of connective tissue |
scaly | squam/o |
schist/o | split, cleft |
scoli/o | crooked, bent |
-scope | instrument to view/examine |
-scopy | visual examination |
seb/o | sebum, sebaceous gland |
sensation | -esthesia |
sial/o | saliva, salivary gland |
skin | dermat/o, cutane/o, -derma |
SOB | shortness of breath |
somat/o | body |
speech | -phasia |
spinal cord | myel/o |
spine | spin/o, rachi/o |
spleen | splen/o |
-stasis | standing still, control, stop |
STAT | immediatly |
STD | sexual transmitted disease |
sub- | below, under |
sugar | gluc/o, glyc/o, glycos/o, glucos/o |
supra- | above, superior |
suspension | -pexy |
sweat | hidr/o, sudr/o |
T&A | Tonsillectomy and Adnoidectomy |
-tachy | fast, rapid |
TB | Tuberculosis |
tear duct | dacry/o, dacryocyst/o, lacrim/o |
thrombo- | blood clot, thrombus |
TIA | Transient Ischemic attack |
-tome | instrument to cut |
-tomy | incision |
ton/o | tension, tone, pressure |
toxic | tox/o |
trachea | trache/o |
trans- | across, through |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone |
tumor | -oma |
TURP | Transurethral resection of the prostate |
UA | Urinalysis |
ltra- | excess, beyond |
uni- | one |
ur/o | urine, urinary system |
ureter | ureter/o |
urethra | urethr/o |
URI | Upper respiratory infection |
-uria | urine, urine condition |
urination | ur/o, -uria |
vagina | vagin/o, colp/o |
valvul/o | small valve |
vesic/o | bladder |
vision | -opia, opsia |
VS | Vital signs |
water | hydr/o, aque/o |
within | endo-, en-, end-, intra- |
xanth/o | yellow |
xer/o | dry |
x-ray | radi/o, roentgen/o |
yellow | xanth/o, lute/o, cirrh/o, jaund/o |