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Ch. 12

Diagnosis and Pathology

cystitis inflammation of the bladder
cystocele hernia of the bladder
cystolith stone in the bladder
cystoptosis downward displacement of the bladder
cystospasm involuntary contraction of the bladder
cystoureteritis inflammation of the bladder and ureter
cystourethrocele hernia of the bladder and urethra
glomerulonephritis inflammation of the kidneys involving primarily the glomeruli
glomerulopathy disease of the kidney involving primarily the glomeruli
glomerulosclerosis hardening of the glomeruli
hydronephrosis kidney condition caused by the obstruction of urine flow
lithonephritis inflammation of the kidneys caused by stones
nephritis inflammation of the kidney
nephrocele hernia of a kidney
nephrohypertrophy overdevelopment of the kidney
nephrolithiasis presence of stones in the kidney
nephromalacia abnormal softening of a kidney
nephromegaly abnormal enlargement of a kidney
nephropathy any kidney disease
nephroptosis downward displacement of a kidney
nephrosclerosis abnormal hardening of a kidney
polycystic kidney disease (PKD) disease characterized by the formation of many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys
pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
pyelocystitis inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder
pyelocystostomosis creation of an opening between the renal pelvis and bladder
pyelonephritis inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis
pyelopathy disease of the renal pelvis
pyeloureterectasia dilation of the renal pelvis and ureter
pyonephritis inflammation of the kidney caused by pus
pyeonephrolithiasis presence of pus and stones in the kidney
pyopyeloectasis pus in a dilated renal pelvis
renal failure kidney failure
renal ischemia deficiency of blood in a kidney
stress urinary incontinence (SUI) loss of bladder control caused by the application of external pressure
ureteritis inflammation of a ureter
ureteropyelitis inflammation of a ureter and renal pelvis
ureteropyelonephritis inflammation of a kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter
urethritis inflammation of the urethra
urethrocystitis inflammation of the urethra and bladder
urinary tract infection (UTI) infection of the urinary tract
uropathy disease of the urinary tract
vesicocele hernia of the bladder
vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters
balanitis inflammation of the penis
benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) noncancerous overdevelopment of the prostate (enlarged prostate)
benign prostate hypertrophy another term for BPH
epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis
epididymo-orchitis inflammation of the testicles and epididymis
orchiditis inflammation of the testicles
orchiepididymitis inflammation of the testicles and epididymis
orchiopathy disease of the testicles
orchitis inflammation of the testicles
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate
prostatocystitis inflammation of the prostate and bladder
prostatovesiculitis inflammation of the prostate and seminal vesicles
testitis inflammation of a testicle
varicocele over expansion of the blood vessels of the testicles, leading to a soft tumor
cystoma tumor of the bladder
hypernephroma another name for renal cell carcinoma
nephroma kidney tumor
renal cell carcinoma cancer of the kidneys
seminoma type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue
testicular carcinoma testicular cancer
chlamydia sexually transmitted disease characterized by genital discharge and painful urination
gonorrhea a sexually transmitted disease characterized by discharge from the gonads
herpes simplex virus (HSV) a family of highly contagious viruses that effect mucous membranes and produce watery blisters that eventually scab over
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) a disease that compromises a patient's immune system leaving them open to other opportunistic infections
human papilloma virus (HPV) a virus that can cause warts and precancerous lesions in genital areas
syphilis a sexually transmitted disease characterized at first by skin irritations then later developing into neurological and heart symptoms
trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted disease characterized by genital itching, painful urination, and genital discharge
Created by: sbodine
Popular Medical sets




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