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Ch. 13

Diagnosis and Pathology

cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
cervicocolpitis inflammation of the cervix and vagina
cervicovaginitis inflammation of the cervix and vagina
colpitis inflammation of the vagina
colpocystitis inflammation of the vagina and urinary bladder
cystocele hernia of the urinary bladder into the vagina
endocervicitis inflammation of the inside of the cervix
endometriosis condition in which endometrium cells appear and grow outside the uterus
endometritis inflammation of the endometrium
mastitis inflammation of the breast
menopause cessation of menstruation
metrocolpocele hernia of the uterus and prolapse into the vagina
metrophlebitis inflammation of the blood vessels of the uterus
myometritis inflammation of the myometrium
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
oophoroma ovarian tumor
ovariorrhexis rupture of an ovary
ovaritis inflammation of an ovary
perimetritis inflammation of the perimetrium
rectocele hernia or protrusion of the rectum into the vagina
salpingitis inflammation of a fallopian tube
salpingocele hernia of a fallopian tube
salpingo-oophoritis inflammation of a fallopian tube and ovary
urethrocele hernia or prolapse of the urethra into the vagina
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vaginomycosis fungal condition of the vagina
vaginosis condition of the vagina
vesicovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the urinary bladder and the vagina
vulvitis inflammation of the vulva
vulvovaginitis inflammation of the vulva and vagina
abortion termination of pregnancy
abrupt placentae separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus
chorioamnionitis inflammation of the chorion and amnion
chorionitis inflammation of the chorion
eclampsia sever, life-threatening complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures
ectopic pregnancy implantation of a fertilized egg in a place other than the uterus
hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy-related vomiting; an extreme form of the more common morning sickness
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
ovariocyesis ectopic pregnancy in an ovary
placenta previa condition in which the placenta is attached to the uterus near the cervix
preeclampsia condition characterized by high blood pressure and high protein in the urine
pseudocyesis false pregnancy
salpingocyesis ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube
spontaneous abortion naturally occurring termination of pregnancy; miscarriage
adenocarcinoma of the breast glandular tumor in the breast
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia abnormal growth of cervical cells
chorioangioma blood vessel tumor of the chorion
choriocarcinoma cancerous tumor of the chorion
dermoid cyst ovarian cyst containing skin and sometimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage
teratoma another term for a dermoid cyst
Created by: sbodine
Popular Medical sets




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