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Med terms

a- not
ab- away
ad- toward
an- not
ante- before
anti- against
bi- two
brady- slow
circum- around
con- with, together
contra- against
de- down, away from
dia- through
dys- bad
e- out
ecto- outside
en- in, inside
endo- in,inside
epi- upon
eu- good
ex- out
exo- outside
extra- outside
hemi- half
hyper- over
hypo- under
inter- between
intra- in, inside
angi/o blood vessel
arthr/o joint
cardi/o heart
derm/o, dermat/o skin
enter/o small intestine
gastr/o stomach
gen/o generation, cause
hem/o, hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
hydr/o water
morph/o change
muscul/o, myo muscle
myc/o fungus
necr/o death
-ia condition
neur/o nerve
-iasis presence of
orth/o straight
path/o suffering, disease
phag/o eat
plas/o formation
pneum/o, pneumon/o lung
pulmon/o lung
py/o pus
scler/o hard
sten/o narrowing
troph/o norishment,development
vas/o, vassal/o blood vessel
xen/o foreign
xen/o dry
-ac pertaining to
-ar, -ary pertaining to
-cele hernia
-centesis puncture
-desis binding
-dynia,algia pain
-emia blood condition
-gram written record
-graph instrument used to produce a record
-graphy process of recording-
-iatry medical science
-icle small
-ism condition
-ist specialist
-itis specialist
-ium tissue, structure
-malacia abnormal softening
-logy study of
-lysis loosen, break down
marco- large
micro- small
mono- one
multi- many
oligo- few
pan- all
peri- around
poly- many
post- after
pre- before
pro- before, on behalf of
re- again
semi- half
sub- beneath
Sym- with,together
syn- with, together
tachy- fast
trans- through
uni- one
-spasm involuntary contraction
-stomy creation of an opening
-tic pertaining to
-tomy incision
-ula, -ole small
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-osis condition
-ous pertaining to
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty reconstruction
-ptosis drooping
-rrhage,rrhagia excessive flow
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhea flow
-rrhexis rupture
-scope instrument used to load
-scopy process of looking
Chief Complaint (CC) the main reason for the patients visit
History of present Illness (HPI) The story of the patients problem
Review of Systems (ROS) Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem.
Past surgical History (PSH) any of the patient's past surgeries.
Family History (FH) The family history reviews the medical events in the patient's family. It includes the health status or cause of death of parents, brothers and sisters, and children.
Social History (SH) A record of habits like smoking, drinking, drug abuse, sexual practices that can impact health.
SOAP method subjective, objective, assessment, plan
acute it just started recently or is a sharp, severe symptom
chronic it has been going on for a while now
exacerbation it is getting worse
abrupt all of a sudden
febrile to have a fever
afebrile to not have a fever
malaise not feeling well
progressive more and more each day
symptom something a patient's feeling
noncontrinutory not related to this specific problem
lethargic a decrease in level of consciousness; in a medical record, this is generally an indication that the patient is really sick.
Genetic/Hereditary it runs in the family
Subjective health visit, description of problem, timing of the problem, previous medical problems or surgeries, family health record that might-relate, current medications and allergies.
Objective data collected during the health care provider's interaction with the patient. he provider notice about the patient when they are examined closely patient look, sound, feel, smell
Assessment The diagnosis or most likely causes, called a differential diagnosis. The provider may offer opinions like severity of problems and chances for improvement.
Plan The plan lays out what the provider recommends to do about the patient's current health status. This may include medicines, home remedies, help from another health provider, surgery, or even waiting to see if the problem will improve on its on.
Alert able to answer questions; responsive; interactive
Oriented being aware of who he or she is, where he or she is, and the current time; a patient who is aware of all three is "oriented x 3"
Marked it really stands out
Unremarkable another way of saying normal
Auscultation listening to sounds within the body
Percussion to hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the resulting vibration
Palpation to feel
Impression another way of saying assessment
Diagnosis What the health care professional thinks that patient has
Different Diagnosis a list of conditions the patient's may have based on the symptoms exhibited and the results of the exam
Benign safe
Malignant dangerous, a problem
Degeneration to be getting worse
Etiology the cause
remission to get better or improve; most often used when discussing cancer; remission does not mean cure
Idiopathic no known specific cause; it just happens
localized stays in a certain part of the body
Systemic/Generalized all over the body (or most of it)
Morbidity the risk of being sick
Mortality the risk for dying
Prognosis the chances for things getting better or worse
Occult hidden
Pathogen organism that causes disease
Lesion diseased tissue
Sequelae a problem resulting from a disease or injury
Pending waiting for
Disposition what happened to the patient at the end of the visit (home,ICU, normal hospital bed)
Prophylaxis preventative treatment
Palliative treating the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause
Observation watch, keep an eye on
Recurrence to tell the patient that the problem is not serious
supportive care to treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better
Sterile extremely clean, germ-free conditions; especially important during medical procedures and surgery
Proximal closer in the center
Distal farther way from the center
Lateral out to the side
Medial toward the middle
ventral/antral/anterior the front
Dorsal (posterior) toward or at the back of the body; behind
Cranial toward the top
Caudal toward the bottom
Superior above
Inferior below
Prone lying down on belly
Supine lying down on the back
Contralateral opposite side
Ipsilateral same side
Unilateral one-sided
Bilateral both sides
Dorsum the top of the hand or foot
Plantar the sole of the foot
Plamar the palm of the Hand
Sagittal divides the body in slices right to left
Coronal divides the body into slices from front to back
Transverse divides body into top and bottom
CCU coronary care unit
ECU emergency care unit
ER emergency room
ED emergency department
ICU Intensive care unit
PICU Pediatric intensive care unit
NICU neonatal intensive care unit
SICU surgical intensive care unit
PACU post anesthesia care uit
L&D labor and delivery
OR operating room
Post-op after surgery
Pre-op before surgery
VS vital signs
T temperature
BP blood pressure
HR heart rate
RR respiratory rate
Ht height
Wt weight
BMI body mass index
I/O intake and output
Dx diagnosis
DDx differential diagnosis
Tx treatment
Rx prescription
H&P history and physical
Hx history
HPI history of present illness
ROS review of systems
PMHx past medical history
FHx family history
PE physical exam
Pt pateint
y/o years old
h/o history of
PCP primary care physician
f/u follow up
SOB shortness of breath
PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
NAD no acute distress
RRR regular rate and rhythm
CTA clear to auscultation
WDWN well developed, well nourished
WNL within normal limits
NOS not otherwise specified
NEC not otherwise classified
NPO by mouth
PR per rectum
IM intramuscular
IV intravenous
CVL central venous line
PICC peripherally inserted central catheter
Sig instructions short for signa, from Latin, for label
ad lib as desired
BID twice a day
TID three times a day
QD every day
QUD four times a day
QHS at night
AC before meals
PC after meals
pro as needed
adip/o, lip/o, steat/o fat
cutane/o, derm/o, dermat/o skin
pil/o, trich/o hair
hidr/o sweat
squam/o scale
onych/o, ungu/o nail
seb/o, sebace/o oli
crypt/o hidden
ichthy/o scaly
kerat/o hard,horny
pachy/o thick
xer/o dry
rhytid/o wrinkle
xanth/o yellow
erythr/o red
leuk/o, alb/o white
melan/o black
rasion scrape, rub
albin white
ism condition
an no
hidr sweat
cyan blue
idr sweat
osis condition
pigment pigment
dermat skin
algia pain
dynia pain
lysis loose
erythro red
hider sweat
poiesis formation
hyper over
hypo under
melan black
Leuko white
onycho nail
phag eat, swallow
rhyti wrinkle
tricho hair
megaly enlargement
xantho yellow
macule, macula (freckle) small, flat discolored area
patch (vitiligo) larger, flat discolored area
papule a small solid mass
plaque a solid mass on the surface of the skin
nodule a solid mass that extends deeper into the skin
tumor a larger solid mass
vesicle a smaller blister
bulla a larger blister
pustule a pus-filled blister
abscess a localized collection of pus in the body
e away
rosion gnaw/eat
ulcer sore
cori skin
ation condition
scale skin falling off
crust a dried substance (i.e., blood, pus) on the skin
vascular blood vessel
lesion wound
tel end
petechia a small bruise
ecchymosis a larger bruise
plastic nevus formation mole
verucca wart
culture and sensitivity (C&S) growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs it might respond to
ops eye
bi two
y procedure
cision cut
in in
al pertaining to
scope instrument to look
scop look, view
cele hernia, tumor
fibr fiber
erytho red
cubitus lie
top place
partum birth
alopecia baldness
actin sun ray
carcin cancer
malignant harmful,bad
acne acne
valgaris common
myco fungus
troph nourishment
coni dust
epi upon
intra within, inside
chemo chemical
cryo cold
cauteriz to burn
lipo fat
plasty reconstruction
auto self
graft transplant
homo similar
hetero different
esthetic sensation
biotic life
histamine histamine
prussic itching
septic rotting
-physis growth
oste/o bone
crani/o head, skull
cervic/o neck
spondyl/o vertebra
lumb/o lower back
brachi/o arm
dactyl/o finger
carp/o wrist
cost/o rib
femor/o femur (thigh bone)
tars/o ankle
tibi/o tibia
chord/o cartilage
ather/o joint
burs/o bursa
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendon (connective tissue connecting muscle to bone)
muscul/o, my/o, myos/o muscle
fasci/o fascia (fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together)
ton/o tone, tension
kinesi/o (also sometimes kinet/o) movement, motion
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ankyl/o stiff, bent
cost rib
algia pain
meta after
tars ankle
ost bone
dynia pain
spondylo vertebra
tibi tibia
genu algum knock knees
genu varum knee pointed in
brady slow
kinesis movement
taxia coordination
tonia muscle tone
spasm involuntary contraction
hyper over
asthenia weakness
moo muscle
ten tendon
centesis surgical puncture
arthro joint
gram to record
scopy procedure to look
axi axis
electro electricity
metry measurement
kyph bent
scoli crooked
carp wrist
cranio skull
ex out
dys bad
osteo bone
lord bent backward
lysis loss
necr dead
osis condition
ten/ tendon
spasm involuntary contraction
crepitation a crackling or rattling sound
Genu valgum (knock knees) This is a condition in which the knees touch but the ankles do not. Can be normal in children up to age 3.
genu valrum bow legged
-tonia tone
-centesis surgical puncture
-gram record, writing
graph instrument for recording
-y process
-scopy process of viewing
axi axis
electro electricity
-metry measurement
kyph/o bent,hump
lord/o bent backwards
scoli/o crooked,
ex out
dys- bad, painful, difficult
py/o pus
cerebr/o, encephal/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum
lob/o lobe
cephal/o head
crani/o head, skull
mening/o, meningi/o meninges (membranes covering brain and spinal cord)
dur/o dura
neur/o nerve
gangli/o nerve bundle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
phas/o speech
phren/o, psych/o mind
somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o sleep
gnosi/o know
-maina excessive desire
-phobia excessive fear or sensitivity
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
-plegia paralysis
-asthenia weekness
taxia coordination
cata down
ton muscle
ment mind
kinesia movement
lex reading
clonus turmoil
ambul walk
syncope fainting or sudden loss of consciousness due to lack of blood flow to brain
hemi half
mon/o one
caus burn
par beside
pseud false
syn together
acro heights
agora marketplace
klepto theft
pyro fire
echo echo
-graphy writing procedure
gram record
mission send
epi upon
macro large
micro small
scler hardening
kinesia movement
penia deficiency
prosop face
af toward
ferent nerve carry
ef away
idio private
ictal seizure
vascul blood vessel
isch hold back
trans across
ient go
eury wide
athero fatty
embol stopper
thromb clot
cranio skull
sten narrow
astro star
cyt cell
gangli ganglion
glio glue
blast sprout
oma tumor
polio gray
orex appetite
bul ox
lim hungry
phor carry
depression depression
narco sleep
schizo divide
splen/o spleen
tonsill/o tonsils
cyt/o cell
iso equal
pathy disease
edema swelling
pour fusion injury
per through
re again
phil love
-penia deficiency
immun/o immune system
thym/o thymus
coagul/o coagulation
thromb/o clot
reticulo net
pan all
oligo few
neutro neutrophil
bolus throw
em in
embol embolus
ellipto over shaped
thromb/o clot
hepato liver
laparo abdomen
apheresis separation
pexy fixation
static standing
bili bile
vol volume
septic rotting
rrhexis rupture
septic rotting
valvul/o value
atri/o atrium
sept/o septum
ventricul/o ventricle
coron/o heart
angi/o, vas/o, vascul/o vessel
aort/o aorta
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty plaque
rhythm rhythm
angina to choke
pectoris chest
aort aorta
dia through
rrhage burst forth
algia pain
tachy fast
cyan blue
cava hollow
vena vein
inferior lower
superior upper
genesis creation
poiesis formation
angio vessel
ectasia dilation
rrhexis rupture
em in
bolus throw
isch hold back
emia blood condition
varicose swollen
vaso vessel
stasis standing
scope device for looking
gram record
ization procedure
graph writting
sono sound
electro electricity
vascul vessel
stol send
sys together
gestive bring
troph developed
strict tied
genti birth
thromb clot
fect made
ventricul ventricle
normo normal
eury wide
tens stretch
adenoid/o adenoid
tonsill/o tonsil
nas/o nose
palat/o palate
or/o, stomat/o mouth
laryng/o larynx
pharyng/o pharynx
trache/o trachea, windpipe
sept/o septum
sin/o, sinus/o sinus
pulmon/o air, lung
pneum/o, pneumat/o lung
lob/o lobe
bronch/o, bronchi/o bronchus
bronchiol/o bronchiole
alveol/o alveolus, air sac
stern/o sternum
cost/o rib
thorac/o, pector/o, steth/o chest
pleur/o pleura
phren/o diaphragm
spir/o, -pnea Oxygen
capn/o carbon dioxide
a- not
tachy fast
brady slow
ortho striaght
ventilation breathing
dys- bad
-phoina voice, sound
epistaxis nosebleed
rhino nose
thorac/o, -thorax chest
ex out
-ptysis to cough up
tel complete
-ectasis expansion
chyl/o chyle
py- pus
-plegia paralysis
fusion pour
-plasty Reconstruction
-pexy fixation
-centesis surgical puncture
stomy creation of an opening
tomy cut
or/o, stomat/o mouth
dent/o, odont/o tooth
gingiv/o gums
glomerul/o glomerulus
nephr/o, ren/o kidney
pyel/o renal pelvis
ur/o, urin/o urine
lith/o stone
cyst/o, vesic/o bladder
urethr/o urethra
ureter/o ureter
meat/o opening
balan/o glans penis
esophag/o esophagus
enter/o intestine
duoden/o duodenum
jejun/o jejunum
col/o, colon/o colon
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
rect/o rectum
colp/o, vagin/o bladder
perine/o perineum
gynec/o, gyn/o woman
mast/o, mamm/o breast
lact/o milk
cervic/o cervix
pelv/i pelvis
oophor/o, ovari/o ovary
aden/o gland
adren/o, adrenal/o adrenal glands
cortic/o outer glands
adren/o, adrenal/o adrenal glands
gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o sugar
hormon/o hormone
ket/o ketone body
-tropin stimulating hormone
Created by: Laraamro
Popular Medical sets




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