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MedTerm WebXam

Study Guide

Nephrologist specializes in the kidney
Podiatrist specializes in feet
Cardiologists specializes in cardiovascular system (heart, arteries, capillaries, veins, etc.)
Oncologists specializes in tumors/cancer
Psychiatrists mind and emotions
Gastroenterologist stomach and intestines
Gynecologist specialists w/ diseases of female genital & reproductive system
Bronchus and appendix into plural bronchi and appendices
CHF congestive heart failure. Inability of heart to pump enough blood
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia. non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland
BSO bilateral saplingo-oorphorectomy. removal of fallopian tubes and ovaries
EKG electrocardiography. record electric activity of the heart
MRI magnetic resonance imaging. no radiation or x-rays; scans a slice of tissue at a time
CXR chest x-ray
AP anteroposterior. from front to back
PA posteroanterior. from back to front
PO by mouth
ACL anterior cruciate ligament. supporting ligament in knee
MCL Medial collateral ligament. supporting ligament in knee
Tx treatment
Dx diagnosis
Hx history
US ultrasonogram. picture of images in the body created by high-energy sound waves
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder. lie on back. x-ray will show any tumors or such
LAB laboratory
RAD radiology. study of x-rays and other high-radiation technology
PATH pathology. study of diseases
HTN Hypertension. high blood pressure; over 120
Polyuria excessive urination
Dysuria painful urination
Edema swelling in the skin
Hypertension high blood pressure; >120
Orthostatic Hypertension increased systolic blood pressure of about 20mmHg or more when standing
Anemia deficiency of erythrocytes
Edema and CHF with CHF 1 or both of the heart's lower chambers lose their ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, blood can back up in the legs, ankles, & feet causing swelling
Hematopoiesis (happens in red bone marrow) process where formed elements of blood are produced
Pneumonitis inflammation of the walls of the alveoli caused by a virus
Gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach & intestines
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. and type of chronic obstructive lung disease
start of the digestive system is___, the end is ____. consuming; excretion
Antiemetic drug against vomiting
Antipyretic drug used to prevent/reduce a fever
Ileum the last part of the small intestines that help further digest food
Process of defecation bowel movements eliminate undigested food fiber, waste materials, and water
Process of respiration breathing
Blood types AB, O, A, B
Most common blood type O+
PPE needed to draw blood clean non-sterile disposable sing-use gloves
Estrogen is created here ovaries
Testosterone is created here testicles
Laparoscopy using an instrument to examine the abdomen
Inguinal Hernia soft tissue bulges through a weak point in abdominal muscles
factors that affect blood pressure viscosity (resistance to blood flow), volume of blood, cardiac output
factors that affect diabetes weight, family Hx, HTN, age, inactivity
How many links are in the chain of infection Six
Infectious agent the microorganism that can make you ill
Reservoir where the microorganism lives and grows
Portal of Exit the way out the microorganism takes to infect another person
Mode of Transmission how the microorganism spreads to another person (by air, contact, body fluids, etc.)
Portal of entry the way the microorganism finds to get inside another person
Susceptible Host the person at risk of infection because they are unable to fight the infection
How is an insulin via injection delivered? needle is subcutaneous abdomen; vials, syringes, insulin pens, insulin pumps
4 valves of the heart aortic, tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral
Cloudy urine means white blood cells and UTI
Clear urine means overhydrated
Yellowish/Amber urine means normal, healthy
Red/Pink urine means hematuria
Orange urine means dehydration
Blue-green urine means diet (dyes) or medication
Dark brown urine means dehydration or laxatives, antibiotics, foods
Ovaries both sides of uterus connected to fallopian tubes, produce egg cells/ova and estrogen
Testes behind penis, in scrotum; make testosterone & sperm
Pancreas behind stomach, in front of spine; digest food, manage sugar/energy balance
Thymus posterior to sternum; process & maturation of lymphocytes
Occipital lobe aspects of vision
Parietal lobe somatosensory (touch, pain, temperature, limb position)
Frontal lobe voluntary movement, high level functioning, language
Brain stem breathing, heart rate, etc. (unconscious body functions)
cerebellum coordinates voluntary movement, balance
Cerebrum not brainstem and cerebellum
Pharynx back of throat; allows in food and air, air goes to larynx and food goes to esophagus
Esophagus behind trachea; carry food and liquid from mouth to stomach
Trachea wind pipe
Temporal lobe processing emotions, language, certain aspects of visual perception, remembering variable information
Larynx air passage to the lungs, hold vocal cords
Erythr/o red
Leuk/o white
Plasma colorless fluid part of blood/lymph
Intradermal within the skin
Lymphocytes smallest leukocyte
Prostate gland surround neck of bladder to release prostatic fluid
Testosterone most abundance male sex hormone, secreted by testes
Prone lying on the stomach
Supine lying on the back
Created by: CarlyStrahm
Popular Medical sets




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