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Lesson 9 Med Terms

Color Prefixes and Suffixes and Abbreviated Titles

albus white-Prefix or Suffix albino (genetic condition causing lack of color) The lack of pigmentation indicated that the patient was developing an albino (lack of color) condition.
chloro green-Prefix or Suffix chlorosis(green look condition brought about by lack of red blood cells) The patient with anemia was developing a chlorosis (green look condition brought about by lack of red blood cells and oxygen in the circulating blood) tinge.
chrom color-Prefix or Suffix chromatism(abnormal pigmentation) The silver nitrate solution applied to the patient's skin created a chromatism (abnormal pigmentism).
cirrhos yellow-Prefix or Suffix cirrhosis(yellow condition) The patient with liver failure was experiencing cirrhosis (yellow condition).
cyano blue-Prefix or Suffix cyanosis (condition of blue skin) The heart attack patient was experiencing cyanosis (condition of blue skin).
erthr red-Prefix erythema (flush) The embarrassed patient experienced erythema (flush) to her mandibular region (cheeks).
leuko white-Prefix leukocyte (white blood cell) Leukocytes (white blood cells) are important elements in the blood in fighting infection.
melano black-Prefix melanoma (a malignant dark tumor) The lab tests indicated that the melanoma (abnormal tumor) was not malignant
polio gray-Prefix poliomyelitis, polio (inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and at the spinal cord) The patient was diagnosed with poliomyelitis, more commonly known as polio (inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and at the spinal cord).
purpura purple;porphyria purpurinuria (pigment compounds in the urine) The bladder trauma caused the purpurinuria (purplish urine) condition
rhodo rose-Prefix rhodococcus (microscopic rose-colored bacteria) The zookeeper got sick from a rhodococcus (microscopic rose-colored bacteria) infection.
rubero red-Prefix rubella(German measles) The red sores on the child looked like rubella (German measles).
xantho yellow-Prefix xanthodont(yellow teeth) The dentist explained to the patient that his condition was called xanthodont (yellow teeth).
CMA (or RMA) (Certified Medical Assistant) (Registered Medical Assistant) Works in doctor's office and must be able to assist in exams, draw blood, and do office work. Certificate or associate's degree.
CNA (Certified Nursing Aide)Trained to work with nursing home patients. Sometimes will work in hospitals. Being replaced in hospitals by patient care technicians.Certificate (usually four to 12 weeks).
EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)Provides emergency care away from a hospital setting. Advanced EMTs become paramedics.EMTs can receive certification in as little as four to six weeks, while paramedics usually have associate's degrees.
LVN,LPN (Licensed Vocational Nurse)(Licensed Practical Nurse)Supervised directly by a registered nurse. May do most procedures if adequately trained and allowed by the facility. Must have an RN countersignature to administer blood products.Certificate < year
MD (Medical Doctor)Varies depending on specialty. May diagnose and prescribe medicines.Doctorate (eight to 12 years).
ME (Medical Examiner)Primarily required to pronounce a person dead or decide if a case warrants an autopsy.In some rural locations, none.
MLT (Medical Lab Technologist)Performs lab tests and phlebotomy (draws blood).Certificate or associate's degree.
NP (Nurse Practitioner)Assists physicians. May write orders and diagnosis under the supervision of a physician. Master's degree.
OT (Occupational Therapist) Assists patients in recovering daily activity skills. Usually bachelor's degree. (Not to be confused with OT assistant.)
PA (Physician's Assistant) Assists physicians. May write orders and diagnose under physician's supervision. Usually Master's degree
PT (Physical Therapist) Helps patients recover lost motor function due to illness or injury. Master's or Doctorate degree. (Not to be confused with PT assistant.)
RHIT (Registered Health Information Technician), formerly ART (Accredited Record Technologist) Manages the medical records. Can involve insurance coding and transcription. Associate's degree.
RN (Registered Nurse) Performs nursing tasks and administration. Oversees LPNs and is responsible for patient maintenance. Associate's, bachelor's, or master's degree, or doctorate.
RRT,RT (Registered Respiratory Therapist) (Respiratory Therapist) Respiratory care and treatments to include blood gas and ventilator management. Certificate, associate's degree, or bachelor's degree.
Created by: selonimes
Popular Medical sets




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