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6th Grade Science Final Exam Review

natural resource anything occurring in the environment that humans use
fossil fuels energy-rich substance formed form the remains of organisms
lava liquid magma that reaches the surface
magma a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
solar power power generated directly from sunlight
hydroelectric power power that is generated from moving water such as rivers
geothermal energy Heat that comes from inside the earth. It is available anywhere on the earth's surface
crystallization the process by which atoms are arranged to form a material with a crystal structure
mineralization the process where organic material is converted into an inorganic substance
desalination a process that removes salt from sea water to make it fresh water
overpopulation a condition in which the number of humans grows beyond what the available resources can support
conservation the practice of using less of a resource so that it can last longer
pollution contamination f the Earth's and, water, or air through the release of harmful substances into the environment
acid rain Rain or another form of precipitation that is more acidic than normal. It can react with metal, stone buildings, cars and statues. It can cause rust and weathering of stone.
deforestation the removal of forests to use the land for other reasons
desertification the advance of desert like conditions into areas that were once fertile; caused by overfarming, overgrazing, drought, and climate change
sustainable use the practice of allowing renewable resources time ti recover and replenish
climate the average conditions of temperature, precipitation, winds, and clouds in an area
weather what is going on outside right now...heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness
polar a place where the climate usually has a temperature below freezing, is icy, and is covered in snow most of the time
temperate marine mild winter temperatures and warm summers
tropical rainy high warm temperatures and rain fall throughout the yeat usually near the equator
dry climate in which rain does not usually fall
greenhouse gases a gas in Earth's atmosphere that absorbs heat leaving Earth's surface
cascade effect an unforeseen chain of events caused by a disturbance in a system
global warming a gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature
greenhouse effect the trapping of heat near a planet's surface by certain gases in the planet's atmosphere
comet a loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun, typically in a long narrow orbit
satellite an object that orbits a planet
galaxy a huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, and gad bound together by gravity
constellation a pattern of grouping stars that people imagine to represent a figure or object
geocentric the model of the universe in which the Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars
heliocentric the model of the solar system in which Earth and other planets revolve around the sun
rotation the spinning motion of a planet on its axis ( responsible for day/ night)
revolution the movement of an object around another object ( responsible for seasons)
gravity the attractive force between objects
full moon the Earth is located between the sun and the moon...the moon appears fully lit (sun...Earth...moon)
new moon the back side of the moon is being lit up and the side facing the Earth is in darkness (
tides the rise and fall of ocean water
eclipse the partial or total blocking of one object in space by another
equinox there are equal hours of day and night
planet an object that orbits a star, is large enough to have become rounded by its own gravity, and has cleared the area of its orbit
Created by: rgesmondi
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