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Medical Terms


Astigmatism Disorder which the front Surface Of the eye (the cornea) it’s not correctly spherical resulting in blurry vision
Atresia A birthday fact in which a normal body opening or canal it’s absent, it usually requires surgical repair after birth.
Basal Metabolic Rate Tthe lowest rate at which a person can possibly use energy and remain alive;, at this rate, only absolutely necessary functions such as breathing are maintained
Becker’s muscular dystrophy A hereditary disease in which the muscles weaken and waste away; similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy but starts later in life and advances more slowly
Binging and Purging Behavior characteristic of the disorder bulimia in which a person overeats then rids themselves of the food before it can be absorbed by the body, either by forced vomiting or through the use of laxatives
Blepharitis Inflamation of the eyelids
Bone Spur An abnormal growth of home out of another bone, often located on the heel and usually painful.
Carotene An orange pigment present in colored plants such as carrots that is converted by the body to the essential nutrient vitamin A .
Chickenpox A contagious disease that causes a rash and a fever; most commonly occurs during childhood.
Chondrosarcoma A cancerous cartilage tumor that develops inside of bone or on its surface .
Chorionic Villus Sampling A method of diagnosing fetal defects in which a small amount of tissue is taken from the placenta and analyzed for abnormalities .
Cilia Tiny, hairlike structures on the outside of some cells, providing mobility
Cirrhosis of the liver Gradual loss of liver function due to cell damage and internal scarring
Cleft Lip A birth defect in which the upper lip is split vertically, extending into one or both nostrils.
Concussion A disturbance of electrical activity in the brain due to a blow to the head or neck, causing temporary loss of consciousness.
Desensitization Process of making a person less allergic to a substance by injecting gradually increasing amounts of the substance; sometimes done to prevent anaphylactic shock
Disk prolapse A disorder in which one of the disks located between the vertebrae in the spine breaks down and the pulpy interior squeezes out, causing pressure on a nerve; commonly called a "slipped" or "ruptured" disk
Duchenne muscular dystrophy A genetic condition in boys in which nerves degenerate and muscles get progressively weaker .
Epididymis A long, coiled tube, exiting from the back of the testicle, in which sperm mature.
Erythroplakia Red patches in the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, or voice box (larynx) that can become cancerous; risk factors include smoking pipes and chewing tobacco
Gaucher’s disease A genetic disorder in which lipids cannot be properly broken down and build up in certain cells; causes enlargement of the spleen and liver, bone damage, and anemia
Guillain-Barré syndrome A peripheral nervous system disease in which nerve inflammation causes weakness, loss of movement, and loss of sensation in the arms and legs
Hammer Toe An abnormality in the tendons of the toe that causes the toe to be flexed at all times
Hirschsprung's disease A condition that is present at birth in which nerve cells do not develop in parts of the intestine, causing the intestine to narrow and block the passage of feces
Knee-jerk reflex A test for a reflexive extension of the leg to check the functioning of the nervous system; tapping the knee just below the kneecap should cause the lower part of the leg to jerk upward
Created by: Maleen
Popular Medical sets




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