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common roots
HLHS 101 ch 1
Root | foundation of or subject of the term |
Suffix | ending that gives essential meaning to the term |
Prefix | added to the beginning of a term when needed to further modify the root |
arthr/o Ar-throh | joint examples: arthroscrope, artritis |
cardi/o KAR-dee-oh | heart examples cardiology, pericardium |
enter/o EN-ter-oh | small intestine examples: enteropathy, dysentery |
gastr/o GAS-tro | stomach examples: gastrointestinal, gastritis |
Hepat/o he-PAH-toh | liver exampls: hepatology, hepatitis |
neur/o NUR-oh | nerve examples neurology, neuralgia |
hem/o HEE-moh | blood examples: hemorrhage |
hemat/o heh-MAH-toh | blood examples: hematoma |
my/o MAI-oh | muscle examples: myocardial, myalgia |
muscul/o MUS-kyoo-loh | muscle examples: musculoskeletal, muscular |
angi/o AN-gee-oh | vessel (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to other typs of vessels as will) examples: angioplasty, angiectomy |
vas/o VAS-oh | vessel examples: vasospasm, vasectomy |
vascul/o VAS-kyoo-loh | vessel examples: vasculopathy, vasculitis |
derm/o DER-moh | skin examples: dermoscopy, dermis |
dermat/o der-MAT-oh | skin examples:dermatology, dermatitis |
cutane/o kyoo-TAY-nee-oh | skin subcutaneous |
pneum/o NOO-moh | lung examples: pneumotomy |
pneumon/o noo-MAW-noh | lung examples: pneumonia, pneumonitis |
pulmon/o PUL-maw-noh | lung examples: pulmonologist, cadiopulmonary |