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Chapter 3
Musculoskeletal System
Term | Definition |
Skeletal system | bones, ligaments, and cartilage |
Appendicular skeleton | bones of the limbs, pectoral girdles, and pelvic girdles |
Axial skeleton | bones of the skull, thorax, hyoid bone, and vertebral column |
Muscle types | skeletal, smooth, cardiac |
ankyl/o | crooked or stiff |
arthr/o, articul/o | joint |
brachi/o | arm |
cervic/o | neck |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cost/o | rib |
crani/o | skull |
dactyl/o | digit (finger ot toe) |
fascio/o | fascia |
femor/o | femur |
fibr/o | fiber |
kyph/p | humped-back |
lei/o | smooth |
lord/o | bent |
lumb/o | loin (lower back) |
muscul/o, my/o, myos/o | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
oste/o | bone |
patell/o | knee cap |
pelv/i | pelvis or hip bone |
radi/o | radius |
rhabd/o | rod-shaped or striated |
sarc/o | flesh |
scoli/o | twisted |
spondyl/o, vertebr/o | vertebra |
stern/o | sternum |
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | tendon |
thorac/o | chest |
ton/o | tone or tension |
vertebr/o | vertebra |
bone | specialized connective tissue composed of osteocytes |
compact bone | tightly solid bone tissue that forms the exterior of bones |
spongy bone | mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity |
cancellous bone | mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity |
long bone | elongated bones of the arms and legs |
short bone | square-shaped bones of the wrists and ankles |
flat bone | thin, flattened bones of the ribs, shoulder blades (scapulae), pelvis, and skull |
irregular bone | bones of the vertebrae and face |
sesamoid bone | round bones found near joints |
epiphysis | wide ends of a long bone |
diaphysis | shaft of a long bone |
metaphysis | growth zone between the epiphysis and the diaphysis during development of a long bone |
endosperm | membrane lining the medullary cavity of a bone |
medullary cavity | cavity within the shaft of the long bones; filled with bone marrow |
bone marrow | soft connective tissue within the medullary cavity of bones |
periosteum | fibrous, vascular membrane that covers the bone |
articular cartilage | gristle-like substance on bones where they articulate |
Frontal plane | anterior/front and posterior/back |
Transverse plane | Superior/above and inferior/below |
Sagittal plane | Left and right |
A | anterior |
AKA | above knee amputation |
AP | anterior posterior |
BKA | below knee amputation |
BP | blood pressure |
CAT | computed axial tomography |
CC | chief complaint |
CT | computed tomography |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
EMG | electromyogram |
FX | fracture |
HPI | history of present illness |
Hx | history |
IMP | impression |
L&W | living & well |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
NAD | no acute distress |
NKDA | no known drug allergies |
NSAID | non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
OA | osteoarthritis |
ORIF | open reduction, internal fixation |
P | posterior or pulse |
PA | posterior anterior |
PE | physical examination |
PMH | past medical history |
PT | physical therapy |
R | respiration |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
ROM | range of motion |
ROS | review of systems |
SH | social history |
T | temperature |
VS | vital signs |
Tx | traction |