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Science Final

6th Grade Science Final 2022

Natural Resource Anything that occurs naturally in the environment that humans use
Nonrenewable Resource A natural resource that cannot be replaced in a useful time frame
Fossil Fuels Energy rich substances that are made from the preserved remains of organisms
Nuclear Fission The splitting of an atom 's nucleus into two nuclei and releases a great deal of energy
Renewable Resource A resource that we will not run out of and can be easily and quickly replaced
Renew To replace something, re-establish, be able to repeat and action
Cost The required price of the amount something has to be paid (in consequence) to obtain something
Ore A mineral deposit that is large enough and valuable enough for it to be extracted from the ground
Crystallize When a crystal structure is formed and forms a new mineral; this happens below water and underground in a solution
Distribution To be spread out or passed out over an area
Desalination The process that removes salt and minerals from saltwater to make freshwater
Component A part or element of a larger whole
Obtain To get, acquire or secure something
Birth Rate The number of people born per 1,000 individuals for a certain period of time
Death Rate The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals in a certain period of time
Exponential Growth A rate of change that increases more and more rapidly over time
Pollution Contamination of Earth's land, water, or air through the release of harmful substances into the environment
Overpopulation A condition in which the number of humans grow beyond what the available resources can support
Conservation The practice of using less of a resource so that it can last longer
Sustainable Use The practice of allowing renewable resources time to recover and replenish
Estimate To make an approximate calculation
Constraint Limit or restriction
Point Source A specific source of pollution that can be identified
Nonpoint Source A widely spread source of pollution that is difficult to link to a specific point of origin
Emissions Pollutants that are released into the air
Ozone A from of oxygen that has three atoms in each molecule instead of the usual two; toxic to organisms where it forms near Earth's surface
Acid Rain Rain or another form of precipitation that is more acidic than normal, caused by the release of molecules of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the air
Primary First in rank or importance
Deforestation The removal of forests to use the land for other reasons
Erosion The process by which water, ice, wind, or gravity moves weathered particles of rock and soil
Desertification The advance of desert-like conditions into areas that previously were fertile;caused by over-farming, overgrazing, drought, and climate change
Sustainable Using a resource in ways that maintain in a certain quality for a certain period of time
Resource A source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
Sewage The water and human wastes that are washed down sinks, toilets, and showers
Sediment Small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or the remains of organisms: Earth material deposited by erosion
Thermal Pollution A type of pollution caused by factories and power plants releasing super heated water into bodies of water
Climate The long-term weather pattern in an area
Greenhouse Gases Certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) absorb much of the heat leaving Earth's surface
Greenhouse Effect The process by which greenhouse gases trap heat which keeps Earth warm
Climate Change A sudden or gradual change in Earth's climate
Global Warming Gradual increase in the global temperature
Impact Affect influence or cause change in
Fossil Fuels Substances formed from the remains of organisms; when these substances are burned, they release a lot of energy
Cascade Effect An unforeseen chain of events cause by a disturbance in a system
Alternative Energy Clean energy sources that do not come from fossil fuels
Argument When scientists disagree about how to interpret data
Satellite (Moon) A body that orbits a planet
Star A giant ball of super heated gas or plasma, composed of hydrogen and helium
Planet An object that orbits the sun, is large enough to have become rounded by its own gravity, and has cleared the area of its orbit of any debris
Meteor A streak of light produced when a small piece of rock or ice, known as a meteoroid, burns up as it enters Earth's atmosphere
Comet A cold mixture of dust and ice that develops a long trail of light as it approaches the sun
Constellation A pattern or group of stars that people imagine represents a figure, animal, or object
Geocentric Earth-centered model of the solar system where all the planets and stars circle Earth
Heliocentric Sun-centered model of the solar system where all the planets and stars circle the sun
Ellipse Oval Shape
Axis Imaginary line that passes through a planet's center and its north and south poles, about which the planet rotates
Rotation The spinning motion of a planet on its axis
Revolution The movement of an object around another object
Orbit The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
Solstice Either of the two days of the year on which the sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator
Equinox Either of the two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun
Gravity The attractive force between objects; the force that moves objects downhill
Law of Universal Gravitation The scientific law that states that every object in the universe attracts every other object
Inertia The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
Hypothesize To give a possible but not yet proven explanation for something
Phase One of the different apparent shapes of the moon as seen from Earth
Umbra The darkest part of a shadow
Penumbra The part of a shadow surrounding the darkest part
Tide The periodic rise and fall of the level water in the ocean
Spring Tide The tide with the greatest difference between consecutive low and high tides
Neap Tide The tide with the least difference between consecutive low and high tides
Significant Having or likely to have influence or effect; a noticeably large amount
Solar System The sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects
Astronomical Unit The average distance measured from the center of the sun to the center of the Earth, which is about 150,000,000 km
Sun A gaseous body much larger than anything else in the solar system
Planet A round object that orbits the sun and has cleared out the region of the solar system along its orbit
Moon A natural satellite or celestial body in orbit
Asteroids Small, rocky bodies that orbits the sun and are found in the area between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Meteoroids Chunks of rock or dust that are smaller than asteroids
Comets Loose balls of ice and rocks that usually have very long, narrow orbits
Feature A trait or characteristic
Electromagnetic Energy Energy that can travel in the form of waves
Visible Light The light you can see
Spectrum The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic waves
Wavelength The distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next wave
Telescope Instruments that collect and focus light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation
Complement To add information making a complete whole
Nebula Large cloud of gas and dust containing an immense volume of material
Protostar A contracting cloud of gas and dust with enough mass to form a star
White Dwarf The blue-white hot core of a star that is left behind after its outer layers have expanded and drifted out into space
Supernova The brilliant explosion of a dying supergiant star
Apparent Brightness The brightness of a star seen from Earth
Absolute Brightness The brightness of a star would have been if it were at a standard distance from Earth
Analyze To study to examine something carefully so one can break it down to its components (parts)
Galaxy A group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
Light-year The distance that light travels in one year
Big Bang The theory that the universe formed in an instant, billions of years ago, in an enormous explosion
Determine Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
Created by: 28lins
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