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Chapter 1

most medical terms have what three parts? root, prefix, suffix
combining form word root + combining vowel
examples of the combining forms for uterus 1. hyster/o 2. metr/o 3. uter/o
diacritical marks symbols used to indicate different pronunciations
what are the two types of diacritical marks? 1. macron 2. breve
Macron straight line placed over vowels with a long sound (ex. day, bee)
Breve u-shaped symbol placed over vowels with a short sound (ex. ever, pit)
vowels that are not accented have which type of sound? flat sound (ex. mat, bed)
prefixes a- and an- without
prefixes anti- and contra- against or opposed to
prefix de- from, down or not
prefix ab- away from
prefix ad- to, toward or near
prefix circum- around
prefixes dia- and trans- across or through
prefix epi- upon
prefix ex- out or away
prefix infra- below or under
prefix meta- beyond, after or change
prefix para- alongside of or abnormal
prefix peri- around
prefix oligo- few or deficient
prefix pan- all
prefix dys- painful, difficult or faulty
prefix eu- good or normal
what are the three common suffixes? -ic, -ium, and -y
suffix -ic pertaining to
suffix -ium structure or tissue
suffix -y condition or process of
what are the 4 common categories of suffixes? 1. symptomatic 2. diagnostic 3. surgical (operative) 4. general
suffix -rrhea discharge
suffixes -rrhage and -rrhagia excessive discharge
suffix -rrhexis rupture
suffix -rrhaphy suture
py/o pus
hem/o and hemat/o blood
acr/o extremity or topmost
aden/o gland
lapar/o abdomen
or/o mouth
crin/o to secrete
esthesi/o sensation
gen/o origin or production
lith/o stone
morph/o form
necr/o death
phas/o speech
phob/o exaggerated fear or sensitivity
plas/o formation
scler/o hard
sten/o narrow
what are the levels of organization in the body? atoms -> molecules -> organelle -> cell -> tissue -> organ -> body system -> organism
medical record provides a person’s physical, emotional, nutritional and social history
L&W family members living and well
NAD no acute distress
PERRLA pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
R/O rule out
SOAP order of progress notes s-subjective o-objective a-assessment p-plan
Created by: fhira1
Popular Medical sets




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