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Chapter 2

question/term answer/definition
the integumentary system is composed of which structures? skin, hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands
what are the 4 functions of the integumentary system? 1. protection from injury 2. protection from intrusion of microorganisms 3. regulation of body temperature 4. houses receptors for sense of touch
three layers of the skin epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
what layer of the epidermis is the site of cell production? stratum basale (innermost layer)
what is the outmost layer of the epidermis made up of dead cells that are sloughed off? stratum corneum
strata= layers
the dermis contains blood vessels, nerves, nerve endings, glands and hair follicles
what makes the skin tough and elastic? collagen fibers
what type of tissue is the subcutaneous layer composed of? adipose (fatty) tissue
steat/o, adip/o, lip/o fat
corne/o horn, hard
kerat/o and scler/o hard
myc/o fungus
onych/o nail
squam/o scale
trich/o hair
xanth/o yellow
xer/o dry
different characteristics of primary lesions - flat discolored, non palpable changes in skin color - elevated, palpable solid masses -elevation formed by fluid within a cavity
different characteristics of secondary lesions -loss of skin surface -material on skin surface
primary lesions arise for previously ________ skin normal
lesions that result in changes in primary lesions are known as secondary lesions
vascular lesions lesions of a blood vessel ex. cherry angioma and telangiectasia (spider angioma)
cherry angioma round, bright red blood vessel tumor, often seen on trunk
telangiectasia radiate from central arteriole, most often seen on face, neck or chest
purpuric lesions lesions as a result of hemorrhages in the skin ex. petechia and ecchymosis
petechia minute hemorrhagic spots that indicate a bleeding tendency
ecchymosis bruise, black and blue mark, large
chymo= juice
cicatrix= scar
keloid abnormal overgrowth of scar tissue that is thick and irregular
kele= tumor
neoplasm abnormal tissue that grows at a more rapid rate than normal
nevus -benign localized overgrowth of melanin forming cells -can be epidermal or vascular aka mole
verruca aka wart; epidermal growth caused by papilloma virus
BCC basal cell carcinoma
C&S culture and sensitivity
FS frozen section
Created by: fhira1
Popular Medical sets




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