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Chapter 4

nervous system -activates and controls all functions of the body -receives all input from the environment
what do neuron-functional units consist of? cell body, axon, myelin
cell body nucleus, dendrites
myelin fat and protein sheath around axon
central nervous system brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system nerves that branch from the CNS
autonomic nervous system involuntary, unconscious regulation (smooth + cardiac muscle, various glands, adipose tissue)
the PNS is further divided into 1. somatic nervous system 2. autonomic nervous system
somatic nervous system voluntary, conscious control (skeletal muscles)
the ANS is further divided into 1. parasympathetic NS 2. sympathetic NS
cerebell/o cerebellum (little brain)
cerebr/o cerebrum (largest part of the brain)
crani/o skull
encephal/o entire brain
gangli/o ganglion (knot)
gli/o glue
gnos/o knowing
hypn/o sleep
lex/o word or phrase
meninges= membrane
narc/o stupor or sleep
phor/o carry or bear
phren/o , psych/o, thym/o mind
schiz/o split
somat/o body
somn/(i)/(o) sleep
stere/o 3D or solid
tax/o order or coordination
thalam/o thalamus (a room)
top/o place
ventricul/o ventricle (belly or pouch)
cata- down
-asthenia weakness
-paresis slight paralysis
-plegia paralysis
frontal lobe motor control, some aspects of personality
parietal lobe sensation, some aspects of language
occipital lobe vision
temporal lobe speech, hearing
cerebral embolism embolus obstructs artery when it lodges
cerebral thrombosis thrombus gradually builds, blocking artery
types of neuroglia 1. ependymal cells 2. oligodendrocytes 3. astrocytes 4. microglia
ependymal cells line brain ventricles
oligodendrocytes wrap axons
astrocytes support capillaries
microglia engulf invading microorganisms and dead tissues
herniated discs press on which nerve, causing pain? spinal nerve
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
spondylosyndesis spinal fusion, leading to the removal of disk -surgical technique
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CP cerebral palsy
CVA cerebrovascular accident
DTR deep tendon reflexes
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
GAD generalized anxiety disorder
GCS Glasgow coma scale
MS multiple sclerosis
NCV nerve conduction velocity
PSG polysomnography
SAD seasonal affective disorder
Created by: fhira1
Popular Medical sets




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