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Chapter 8

question/term answer/definition
blood -transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to body cells -carries wastes and carbon dioxide away from the cells
function of the lymphatic system -protects the body by filtering the lymph -supports activities of lymphocytes in immune response -maintains body’s internal fluid environment as an intermediary between blood capillaries and tissue cells -carries fats away from digestive organs
blast/o germ or bud
chrom/o, chromat/o color
chyl/o juice
cyt/o cell
hem/o, hemat/o blood
immun/o immune, resistant
lymph/o clear fluid
morph/o form
phag/o eat or swallow
plas/o formation
reticul/o a net
thromb/o clot
thym/o thymus
hemoglobin protein- iron compound in RBC’s
platelets cell fragments essential for blood clotting (thrombocytes)
WBC leukocytes, granulocytes, agranulocytes
granulocytes neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil
agranulocytes monocyte, lymphocyte
upper right quadrant of body drains into the right lymphatic duct
the remainder of the body drains into thoracic duct
immunity process of disease protection induced by exposure to an antigen
antigen substance that, when introduced into the body, causes the formation of antibodies against it
antibody substance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates an antigen that has entered the body
active immunity long lasting immunity that results from stimulating the body to produce its own antibodies
two types of immunity active or passive
natural immunity developed in response to an infection
artificial immunity developed in response to the administration of a vaccine
passive immunity short lasting immunity that results from foreign antibodies that are conveyed
natural passive immunity naturally, through the placenta to a fetus
ALT alanine aminotransferase
AST aspartate aminotransferase
BMP basic metabolic panel
CD cluster of differentiation
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
PMN polymorphonuclear (leukocyte)
RRR relative risk reduction, regular rate and rhythm
Created by: fhira1
Popular Medical sets




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