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Medical Term. Ch.5

kerat/o cornea
lacrim/o tear
phac/o lens (lentil)
presby/o old age
vitre/o glassy
anterior chamber fluid-filled space between the cornea and iris
choroid vascular layer beneath the sclera that provides nourishment to the outer portion of the retina
Zeis glands oil glands opening into the follicles of the eyelashes
trabecular meshwork mesh-like structure in the anterior chamber that filters the aqueous humor as it flows into the canal of Schlemm
vitreous jelly-like mass filling the inner chamber between the lens and retina that gives bulk to the eye
asthenopia eyestrain (asthenia = weak condition)
exophthalmos abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs; also spelled exophthalmos
blepharoplasty surgical repair of an eyelid
phacoemulsification use of ultrasound to shatter and break up a cataract, with aspiration and removal
refractive errors defects in the bending of light as it enters the eye, causing an improper focus on the retina
hyperopia farsightedness; difficulty seeing close objects when light rays are focused on a point behind the retina
myopia nearsightedness; difficulty seeing distant objects when light rays are focused on a point in front of the retina
aphakia absence of the lens, usually after cataract extraction
dacryoadenitis inflammation of the lacrimal gland
ectropion outward turning of the rim of the eyelid (tropo = turning)
hordeolum sty; an acute infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid (hordeum = barley)
esotropia right or left eye deviates inward, toward nose (eso = inward; tropo = turning)
cryopexy use of intense cold to seal a hole or tear in the retina; used to treat retinal detachment
presbyopia impaired vision caused by old age or loss of accommodation
keratoplasty corneal transplantation; replacement of a diseased or scarred cornea with a healthy one from a matched donor
cryoretinopexy use of intense cold to seal a hole or tear in the retina; used to treat retinal detachment
eye irrigation washing of the eye with water or other fluid (saline)
mydriatic agent that causes dilation of the pupil; used for certain eye examinations
scotoma blind spot in vision
nystagmus involuntary, rapid, oscillating movement of the eyeball
Created by: dbelle01
Popular Medical sets




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