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Medical Term: Unit 2

SOAP Terms and Word Parts

acute sudden, short duration (usually < 2 wks)
aggravating factor something that makes the problem worse
alleviating factor something that makes the problem better
chronic long duration (usually > 2 wks)
complaint reason for patient’s visit
duration how long problem has lasted
gastrointestinal pertaining to stomach & intestines
history what has happened to patient up to this moment
musculoskeletal pertaining to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones
radiating pain feels like it spreads out from one point
severity how bad problem is
symptom what the patient is feeling or experiencing
temporal pertaining to time
auscultation listen (to heart, lungs, abdomen, etc) usually via stethoscope
biopsy tissue sample for testing
echo reflecting sound
edema swelling
febrile fever
generalized spread across or throughout body
-gram visual record
-graph instrument used to produce visual record
-graphy process of producing a visual record
localized isolated to one part of body
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry process of measuring
palpation touch, feel (various parts of patient’s body with fingers, hands)
percussion tap body parts with fingers, hands, instruments
-scope instrument for visualizing something
-scopy process of visualizing something
sign what others (not the patient) are able to see/observe
systemic spread throughout body
-thermic temperature
benign safe, non-cancerous
diagnosis clinician’s assessment of patient’s problem, name of problem
eti/o cause of something
-gnosis to know
hernia something sticking out where it shouldn’t
ischemia deficiency of blood flow (to tissue or organ)
lesion damaged/diseased tissue
-lith stone
malignant dangerous, cancerous
morbidity illness
morph/o form, shape
mortality death
necr/o dead
-osis condition
path/o disease (suffering)
-plasia formation, growth
prognosis prediction of outcome
sepsis condition of infection (with bacteria)
-trophy growth, development
-tropic influencing, affect
xen/o foreign
cautery burn or melt
cry/o cold, to freeze
desiccate dry out (completely)
-ectomy surgical removal
graft living tissue, surgically implant living tissue
matern/o mother
-natal newborn, birth
orth/o straight
palliative treat symptoms only
-pedia child
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty surgical reconstruction
prophylaxis preventive treatment
psych/o mind, mental
-rraphy suture
-stomy surgically create a permanent opening
-tomy cut, incision
-tripsy break apart
Created by: ryrenkiewicz
Popular Medical sets




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