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MA questions

The Federal Insurance and Contribution Act was created to sponsor: Social Security and Medicare
The process of verifying that the information on the bank statement agrees with the information in the check register is: Reconciling
When a patient declares bankruptcy, the medical office must: collect unpaid bills through the court-appointed representative
The form enclosed with merchandise ordered from a vendor that states the contents of the package and the amount owed is a(n): invoice
The amount of money earned before taxes or deductions are taken out is called: gross income
When a charge is made to an account, it is called a(n): debt
A preprinted form that has the basic office charges listed and space for the patient's current charges is an example of a(n): superbill
An example of a debit adjustment is: return of a nonsufficient fund check from a patient's bank
The cash kept on hand in a business practice used for incidentals purchases is called: purchase order petty cash
The money owed by the physician for items such as rent, utilities, and payroll is referred to as: account payable
The signature of the payee of a check with instructions stating "for deposit only" is an example of a(n): restrictive endorsement
The monitoring of unpaid accounts to determine how overdue the accounts are is called: aging accounts
The abbreviation for the manual first published by the American Medical Association containing codes for procedures and services performed by doctors and medical personnel is: CPT
The coding term used for the level of care that involves multiple systems or complex involvement of one organ system is: comprehensive
When a health professional has a discussion with a patient and his or her family concerning diagnosis, recommendations, risks, benefits, prognosis, and options, the specific coding components used is under the heading: counseling
A pediatric patient comes into the office for otitis media. The physician also administers a routine childhood vaccination. What ICD-9 diagnostic codes would be used in this situation? 382.9 and V03.81
Of the following, which is not one of the purposes of diagnostic coding? to provide increased revenue for the physician or medical practice
When a patient has received an external injury, which type of code is used to explain the mechanism of the injury using the ICD-9? E code
Which CPT code identifies a sigmoidoscopy? 45330
The CPT code used for a cholecystectomy, along with the modifier indicating that the physician provided only preoperative care, is which of the following? 47600-56
The components used to determine the level of E & M code applicable include the following except the: number of procedures ordered for the patient
The Health Care Finance Administration is now named: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
ICD-9-CM codes that identity health-care encounters for reasons other than illness or injury are known as: V codes
The largest of the six major sections of the CPT manual, which contains codes from 10021-69990, is: anesthesia surgery
When a patient gives written authorization for reimbursement to the physician for billed charges, this is called: assignment of benefits
The process of determining whether a service or procedure is covered by the insurance provider is called: precertification
The amount that will be paid by the insurance plan for each procedure or service is based on the: fee schedule
The statement issued to the provider and the patient that lists the details of a payment that has been made by the insurance plan is the: explanation of benefits
Coordination of benefits means: one insurance plan will work with other insurance plans to determine how much each plan pays
Medicare Part A provides coverage for: hospitalization
A calculation of charges for each procedure indication the charge of the majority of physicians in a geographic area if referred to as: resource-based relative value system
Health benefits policies are purchased by an individual by paying the: premium
A condition or circumstance for which the health insurance policy will not provide benefits is a(n): exclusion
UCR provider payments are based on: what the majority of physicians in a specific geographic area charge for procedures
When a Medicare patient is told that he or she may be responsible for payment of services not covered by Medicare, the physicians office should inform the patient and have the patient sign a form called a(n): ABN
The Medicare part specifically designed to provide pharmaceutical coverage is: Part D
The chain of infection requires the microorganism to find a means of exit from the host. These means of exit include the following EXCEPT: ingestion
An example of a viral disease is: measle
A bacteria that live without oxygen is: anaerobic
The major reason for using proper aseptic procedures is to: protect patients and health-care workers
Which of the following is a chemical cleaning agent used on the skin to remove bacteria? antiseptic
The most important guideline stated in the universal precautions is to: treat all blood and bodily fluids as contaminated
The chain of infection does not include: asepsis
The process that destroys all living organisms is: autoclaving
A chemical agent used to clan counter-tops to decrease the number of disease-causing organisms is a(n): disinfectant
Characteristics of a susceptible host include the following EXCEPT: intact immune system
Ringworm or tinea corporis is an example of a: fungus
The organization that develops and monitors guidelines and mandates health and safety practices in the workplace is: OSHA
Objects that provide an avenue for indirect transmission of microbes are called: fomits
The temperature setting and timing for proper autoclaving is: 250 degrees F for 30 minutes
Created by: wendy722
Popular Medical sets




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