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What is the thoracic cavity enclosed by? ribs, spine, sternum, and diaphragm
How many ribs are there? 12
Ribs 1-12 are connected to what? vertebrae
Connected anteriorly to the sternum directly or indirectly by costal cartilage ribs 1-7
Connected to the rib cage by costal cartilage. ribs 8-10
Not directly attached to the sternum but attached by the costal cartilage to the sternum false ribs
Floating ribs are attached posteriorly only 11-12 ribs
Sternum consists of manubrium, body, xiphoid process
Thoracic cavity contains the heart, lungs, and great vessels
Great vessels contains superior and inferior vena cava pulmonary artery pulmonary vein aorta
Lungs are a pair of ____ organs located in the chest air-filled
Three lobes right lung
Two lobes left lung
Process of air through the lungs air is inhaled thru mouth to the trachea into the lungs into the bronchi which divide into bronchioles then into clusters of air sacs called alveoli
Air and CO2 exchange takes place here alveoli
Covering of the lung visceral pleura
Covers thoracic cavity parietal pleura
what do lungs work on for proper pulmonary function? negative pressure
Area between two lungs mediastinum
What is included in the mediastinum? thymus, thoracic aorta, heart and great vessels, esophagus and trachea
Separation between the peritoneal cavity and thoracic cavity diaphragm
what is commonly used in thoracic surgery double endotracheal tube
provides expansion for the good lung and collapse of the lung on the surgical side double endotracheal tube
bronchus clamp-sarot clamp lebsche rib shears davidson scalpula retractor allison lung retractor bailey rib approximator duval lung clamp tuffier rib retractor finochietto rib retractor thoracotomy instruments
What must you use any time the pleural space is entered? pleur-evac/closed water seal drainage system
Used to collect bronchial and lung secretions and tissue biopsies bronchoscopy
what are the two types of bronchoscopes? rigid and flexible
commonly used for foreign body retrieval rigid
used on patients who cannot hyperextend their neck flexible
procedure performed to view areas of the mediastinum mediastinoscopy
Where is a mediastinoscopy incision made? notch of the neck
What is a biopsy of the lymph nodes performed? staging of cancer
located in the space between the lungs called mediastinum thymus gland
slow growing tumors in the thymus? thymomas
Most common associated condition with thymoma? myasthenia gravis
removal of the thymus gland thymectomy
what incision is done for a thymectomy median sternotomy
caused by a loss of negative pressure on one side of the pleural cavity, which causes the other side to shift the mediastinum in order to equalize the pressure mediastinal shift
Insertion of a chest tube hooked up to a closed drainage system to provide negative pressure to the thoracic cavity Performed for direct visualization of the pleural cavity, mediastinum, and pericardium. Used to diagnose buildup of fluid, pus, or blood thoracoscopy
Minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat diseases of the thoracic cavity VATS
Biopsy for tissue diagnosis surgery of the esophagus surgery of the lun VATS
What kind of staplers are used for a VATS? endoscopic
What should you have available for a VATS? thoracic and vascular instruments
Patient positions for a VATS? posterolateral, lateral, anterolateral, or suspine
Performed for reconstructive procedures of the face, ear, etc. rib resection
collapsed lung pneumothorax
thin walled air sacs located on the apex (top) of the lung blebs
congenital deformities of the chest wall pectus deformities
chest bows outward pectus carinatum
funnel chest excavatum
incision into chest wall thoracotomy
performed for diseased lung lung resection
removal of the entire lung, performed for a malignancy pneumonectomy
condition where the patient is coughing up blood. Caused by irritation of the bronchial tree or lung malignancy hemoptysis
removal of one lobe of the lung lobectomy
What nerves are preserved during a pneumonectomy? vagus, left recurrent laryngeal, phrenic
small wedge portion is removed from one lobe of a lung wedge resection
portion removed is a little larger than the wedge segmental resection
nodes used to detect metastatic cancer from th elung scalene/supraclavicular noes
measure how well the lungs take air in and out and oxygenate the body pulmonary function tests
total amount of air that you inhale into your lungs total lung capacity
test determines how much air is forced out (exhaled) forced expiratory volume
highest amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking a deep breath vital capacity
instrument used to measure the air capacity inhaled and exhaled from the lungs spirometer
Lung volume reduction surgery LVRS
surgical procedure performed to remove diseased lung tissue caused by emphysema LVRS
Alveoli at the end of the bronchiole tree becomes enlarged and cause destruction of the air sacs. also causes lung overinflate emphysema
procedure is performed to remove surface layer of the lung because layer becomes thick and restricts the lung from expanding decortication
What is the surface layer of the lung? fibrous layer
What can be used for dissection during decortication? metz scissors, blunt dissection with surgeons fingers or peanuts
between the collarbone and first rib, caused by trauma or an extra rib thoracic outlet syndrome
procedure performed to removed blood or air in the pleural cavity by introducing a needle and syringe for aspiration thoracentesis
buildup of excess fluids, including blood, caused by infection or tumor pleural effusion
what is inserted to dry out the space and aid in eliminating the space from preventing further buildup talcum powder
stomach protrudes thru the diaphragm into` the pleural cavity hiatal hernia
What solution is used to preserve the donor kidney prior to transplantation? collins solution
What machine is used during a lung transplant heart-lung machine
What incision is done for a double lung transplant clamshell incision
How many anastomoses are needed for an effective lung transplant three
Where are the three anatomoses done? bronchus, pulmonary artery, and atrial cuff
Created by: karsanmira
Popular Medical sets




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