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Where is the heart located? mediastinum
What covers the heart? pericardium
How many layers does the pericardium have and what are they? 2 layers, outer and inner
How many layers does the wall of the heart consist of? 3
what are the three layers of the wall of the heart? external (epicardium) Middle (myocardium) inner (endocardium)
Blood flow through the heart blood >deoxygenated veins > superior and inferior vena cava> R atrium, >tricuspid valve, > R ventricle, >pulm artery (semilunar valve), > out to lungs (becomes oxygenated), >pulm vein, >L atrium,> bicuspid valve,> L ventricle, >aortic valve, >Aorta, >body
Pacemaker of the heart SA node (sinoatrial)
major element in the cardiac conduction system, controls heart rate AV node (atrioventrical)
SA node, AV node, bundle of his, purkinjie fibers cardiac conduction system
rapid heart rate more than 100 bpm tachycardia
slow heart rate less than 60 bpm bradycardia
narrowing of the arteries caused b plaque formation coronary artery disease
an abnormal heart rhythm arrthymia
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart endocarditis
inflammation of the pericardial lining of the heart pericarditis
fluid buildup of the pericardial cavity pericardial effusion
irregular muscle contrations fibrilation
abnormal rhythm of the heart, electrical impulse foes not travel properly thru the atrium a-fib
rapid heart rate occurring in the ventricles ventricular arrythmia
erratic rapid impulses, caused when the ventricle quivers instead of pumping blood V-fib
How are cardiac arrhythmias treated? defibrillation
traces the electrical activity of the heart electrocardiogram
shows the heart muscle using ultrasound echocardiogram
xray of the arteries using contrast media arteriogram
xray of veins using contrast media angiogram
portable electronic device that evaluates the heart for arrhythmias and delivers a shock to the heart to bring it back to a normal rhythm aed
implanted device to regulate the heart beat to normal rhythm pacemaker
procedure performed to visualize your arteries and how your heart is functioning to diagnose heart disease cardiac catherization
During cardiac catherization where is the catheter introduced to inject contrast? femoral or brachial artery
procedure performed during cardiac catherization. Balloon cath is inserted and the vessel is dilated then a stent is placed to keep artery open angioplasty
enlargement of an artery wall caused by weakening of the wall aneurysm
bulge and weakening in the wall of the ventricle. Occur to patients who had a heart attach Ventricular aneurysm
chest pain caused by lack of blood flow to heart angina
performed for end-stage heart disease. cardiac transplantation
What take over the function of the heart during heart surgery? CPB (cardiopulmonary bypass) aka heart-lung machine
What does the CBP machine do? oxygenates the blood and also induction of hypothermia for less oxygen intake.
What solution is used during CPB? cool saline
Solution used to stop the heart and prevent cell death during cross-clamping of the aorta cardioplegia
What is needed for CPB? cardiac cannulation
What king of suture is used during cannulation? purse-string
the retrieve blood a cannula may be placed in the? R atrium Vena cava Femoral vein
To return blood the cannula is placed? ascending aorta femoral artery
Parts of the Heart-lung machine? oxygenator, heat exchanger, pump
removes CO2 and adds oxygen to the blood oxygenator
controls blood temp and can heat or cool the blood heat exchanger
acts as the heat muscles and pushes the blood thru the tubes on the machine pump
During CPB what position is the patient in? supine/dorsal recumbent
How is the prep done for CPB? extends from chin to toes, abd laterally, and both legs circumferentially
What incision is done during heart surgery? from sternal notch to the xyphoid process
vascular thoracic general sternal saw sternal retractor lebsche knife herrick kidney clamps satinsky clamp cardiac intruments
performed to replace diseased or blocked arteries and requires heart lung machine cabg
taken from another part of the patients body and used to replace the diseased vessels autograft vessels
What are the vessels used to bypass the diseased ones? internal mammary arties and greater saphenous veins
minimally invasive surgery/cabg, done on beating heart MIDCABG
off pump and heart is beating OPCAB
cath inserted thru femoral artery to increase cardiac output IABP- intra aortic balloon pump
placed inside the chest and connected to your heart. Takes control of the hearts pumping action VAD- ventricular assist device
when mitral/bicuspid, tricuspid, and aortic valves can be replaced cardiac valve replacement
performed when it is caused by rheumatic fever mitral valve replacement
ductus arterosus (blood vessel) does not close at birth patent ductus arteriosus
combination of four cardiac defects, most common in children tetralogy of fallot
narrowing of the aorta where the vessel should be normal coarctation of the aorta
lower risk of blood clots, for people with a-fib, po warfarin/coumadin (anticoagulants)
prevents formation of blood clots, via iv heparin
reverses the anticoagulant effects of heparin protamine sulfate
relaxes the blood vessels and prevents vasospasms papaverine
used to treat V-fib lidocaine hydrochloride/xylocaine
used to dissolve blood clots that have formed in the coronary artery vessels and lungs streptokinase
protein used in the breakdown of blood clots tissue plasminogen activator
what is the main component in cardioplegia? potassium
part of the immune system and produces T cells thymus gland
procedure performed to correct cardiac arrhythmia by scarring or destroying cardiac tissue that causes the arrhythmias. uses extreme cold or heart to destroy the tissue that is causing the arrhythmia cardia ablation
prep for cardiac surgery anterior full body prep including limbs and upper thorax
part of the lower half of the brainstem w/in the central nervous system. controls heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. damage to it is life threatening medulla oblongata
type of vessel cutter used to make a hole in an artery for an anastomosis of another vein or artery used on cardiac procedures such as CABG aortic punch
Created by: karsanmira
Popular Medical sets




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