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first 28 days outside the mother neonate
1-18 mo infant
30mo-5yrs preschool
6-12 yrs school age
13-18 yrs adolescent
what are fears of peds patients? anesthesia and separation from parents
how do you reduce peds anxiety? let them bring toy or stuffed animal to OR, introduce surgical staff, let parents acompany them to OR
transfer of heat between the body and objects that are not in direct contact w/ each other. radiation
when wet surfaces are exposed to air, heat loss occurs. evaporation
when infants skin comes in contact w/ cold surfaces conduction
when surrounding air is cool, heat is lost. convection
what is a major complication of extubation airway obstruction
when infants body temp drops below 36.5 C/97.7F hypothermia
what do infants lack the ability to do? shiver
what can you do to reduce risk of hypothermia? increase OR temp, use heat lamps, warp infants limbs, warm solutions
what is used during an intra arterial monitor on a neonate during surgery? umbilical artery
where are central venous caths placed? external jugular vein
performed for pyloric stenosis pyloromyotomy
performed on infants and children who experience severe gastroesophageal reflux lap nissen fundoplication
fatal blood disorder in infants where the mothers blood is incompatible w/ the infant erythroblastosis
birth defect in which the esophagus is closed off at some point between the mouth and the stomach esophageal atresia
birth defect where the trachea is connected to the esophagus tracheoesophageal fistula
intestines' telescope into one another intussusception
twisting of intestines causing obstructin volvulus
congenital defect caused by absence of ganglion cells in the intestines'. affects peristaltic contractions Hirschsprung disease
defect where there is no anus but a fistula between the anus and vulva or bladder imperforate anus
common hernia in infants and children umbilical hernia
Congenital defect were the organs of the body are covered in an amniotic for sac and protrude through a defect in the umbilical ring Omphalocele
Defect in the Spine were part of the spinal cord and the meninges are exposed through the end opening in the backbone Spina bífida
Failure of the neuro tube to close. Causes meninges and spinal cord to protrude through the skin within a sac Myelomeningocele
Can be performed on children who are diagnosed as obese with a body mass index of 40 combined with life-threatening medical conditions Bariatric surgery came
What position should I bariatric patient be placed immediately after a surgical procedure Reverse Trendelenburg
What is a complication of gastric bypass surgery Hernia
How are complications of bariatric surgery diagnosed With a laparoscopy
Upper lip does not totally form properly and leaves an opening on the skin between the nose and the lip Cleft lip
How is a cleft lip repair performed In stages
What is also performed for a cleft lip repair Z-plasty
Roof of the mouth is not completely close this to form ready cause complications with eating in speech Cleft palette
Also known as nephroblastoma an intra-abdominal tumor Wilms tumor
Cancerous tumor commonly found in the retroperitoneum and adrenal medulla Neuroblastoma
This tumor is located near the sacrum and the coccyx. It is made of different cells during early development. It can be solid or cystic Sacrococcygeal teratoma
The urethral meatus is on the dorsome of the penis Epispadias repair
The urethra meatus is on the ventral surface of the penis Hypospadias repair
Procedure performed to remove the prepuce/foreskin from the glans penis Circumcision
And abnormal accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. It can cause an infection. I scrolled on scission is made and the fluids suctioned out Hydrocele
Procedure performed to bring the testicle to its normal position in the scrotum after the testicle Has traveled up into the inguinal canal Orchiopexy
And undescended testicle Cryptorchidism
Procedures perform for hydrocephalus Ventriculoarterial and VentrículoPeritoneal chance
When fluid is shunted from the lateral ventricle of the brain to the atrium Ventriculoatrial shunt
Fluid is stunted from the lateral ventricle to the peritoneal space Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
What are two types of common shock to children Septic and hypovolemic
Commonly caused by a bacterial infection Septic shock
Dehydration is the cause of this and children Hypovolemic shock
What kind of tubes are commonly used on the pediatric patient following a G.I. procedure Gastrostomy feeding tubes
Most common gastrostomy tube used. It is for gastric decompression an external feedings Peg tube
What does child abuse include Shaken baby syndrome Neglect Sexual abuse Unexplained falls or skin, facial, or thermal injuries and fractures
What is the leading cause of injury of a pediatric patient. Causes include car accidents, falls bicycle accidents, drowning ,burns, and poisonings Head trauma
How is pediatric medication prescribed According to the child weight in kilograms
Surgical Intervention to repair a birth defect while the fetus is still in the heaters. Can be repaired percutaneously with a fetoscope or an open procedure Fetal surgery
Premature closure of the cranial suture lines. It can occur a long one or more suture lines. The procedure is a Craniectomy Craniosynostosis
Includes premature closure of cranial central lines causing skull and facial deformities Crouzon’s syndrome
Congenital disorder that causes cranial facial deformity’s and can also include syndactyly Aperts syndrome
Deformity of one or both feet. The affected foot rotate inward. Treatment varies from braces and tapes to surgical intervention Club foot
One type of surgical procedure performed for club foot. It is also used for patients with cerebral palsy. It helps to release contractures Tendon lengthening
Perform to correct protruding ears from traumatic injury or a congenital deformity Otoplasty
Small ears defect in which all or part of the external ears are missing. The rib is used as a graph for the patient ear Microtia
Can occur naturally such as want an infant receives a mothers anybody’s through the placenta or breastmilk Passive immunity natural
When anybody’s are injected into the patient Passive immunity artificial
When a person requires an infection and build their own anybody’s Active immunity natural
Vaccines Artificial acquired active immunity
Created by: karsanmira
Popular Medical sets




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