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angi/o vessel
aort/o aorta
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty paste
atri/o atrium
cardi/o heart
coron/o crown or circle
my/o muscle
pector/o chest
phleb/o vein
sphygm/o pulse
steth/o chest
thromb/o clot
varic/o swollen, twisted vein
vas/o vessel
vascul/o vessel
ven/o vein
ventricul/o ventricle
atrium upper chamber of heart
endocardium inner lining of heart
epicardium outer lining of heart
interatrial septum partitino between the L and R atria
interventricular septum partition between ventricles
myocardium heart muscle
pericardium sac surrounding heart
ventricle lower chamber of heart
aortic valve valve allowing passage of blood from L ventricle to systemic circulation
mitral valve valve between L atria and L ventricle
pulmonary valve valve allowing passage of blood from R atrium to the lungs
tricuspid valve valve between R atrium and R ventricle
venous valve valves that prevent backflow of blood in veins
arteries vessels leaving the heart
aorta large main vessel that carries blood from heart to body systemic circulation
arterioles smaller vessels that carry blood from arteries
capillaries tiny vessels that join arterioles and venules
venules small vessels that gather blood from capillaries into veins
veins vessels that carry blood back to the heart
systemic circulation circulation throughout body
coronary circulation circulation of blood to and from heart muscle
pulmonary circulation circulation to and from lungs
blood pressure diagnostic value to determine volume of blood and force of blood against vessels
diastole relaxation of ventricles
systole contraction of ventricles
hypotension low BP
hypertension high BP
SA node pacemaker; neurological tissue in R atrium that fires AP's to initiate atrial myocardial contractions and propagates to AV node
AV node neurological tissue in center of the heart that propagates SA signal to AV bundle
AV bundle neuro fibers that branch into left and right that carryb impulse from AV node to Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers neuro fibers that extend into ventricular walls and cause ventricular contractions
polarization resting state of myocardial cells
depolarization change to contractile state of myocardial cells
normal sinus rhythm regular rhythm of heart
aneurysm bulging of arterial walls
constriction compression that causes stenosis
angina pectoris chest pain caused by temp loss of oxygenated blood to myocardium
arteriosclerosis thickening, calcification of arterial walls
atherosclerosis narrowing of vessels due to fatty plaque buildup
diaphoresis severe sweating
thrombus stationary blood clot
embolus clot carried in blood stream that occludes vessels when lodged
heart murmur abnormal sound from heart produced by defects in the chambers or valves
ischemia decreased blood flow to tissue
occlusion an obstruction or closing off
infarct localized necrosis caused by ischemia
palpitation subjective experience of pounding, skipping or racing heartbeats
stenosis narrowing
vegetation abnormal growth of tissue around a valve
dysrhythmia irregularity or loss of rhythm of heartbeat
cardiac tamponade compression of heart due to buildup of fluid in pericardial space
CHF failure of heart to pump adequately resulting in congestion and edema in lower extremeties
CAD disease of coronary arteries that affects blood flow to the heart
myocarditis inflammation of myocardium
DVT clotting in deep vein of body
Created by: cfbarone
Popular Medical sets




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