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what kind of procedure would a fogarty cath be utilized? embolectomy
amputated extremities are? wrapped and refrigerated in the morgue
if a knitted graph is preclotted, it minimizes bleeding
pedal pulses are assessed with a doppler
heparin is utilized in vascular surgery to prevent thrombosis
prime consideration in a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy is hemorrhage control
in which surgery would a tunneler be used? fem-pop bypass
Which piece of equipment would be placed on an envelope to be set up for the purpose of removing clots through in arteriotomy Fogarty
The goal of a carotid endarterectomy us to Remove plaque
Plaque removal from a vessel is termed Endarterectomy
Placement of a vascular graft proximal to and inclusive of the common iliac vessels will nessitate the use of a/an Bifurcated graft
The most common vessel used for hemodialysis in the forearm are Radial artery to basilica vein
migrating clots that have formed in the lower ext. can be intercepted on the way to the heart or lungs by greenfield filter
retraction of fine structures And blood vessels during vascular surgery is accomplished by the use of Vessel loops
Fluoroscopy is required for what procedures in vascular surgery? Greenfield, endocardium pacing electrode, and myocardial pacing electrode
Compression of subclavian vessels and the brachial plexus at the superior aperture of the thorax is known as Thoracic outlet syndrome
In vascular surgery, the term in Siri graft references the use of a Autogenous graft
During vascular surgery, monitoring the activated clotting time introspectively provides useful data for judging the need for reversal or addition of Heparin
Low molecular weight protein that, when combined with her pain, causes a loss of anticoagulant activity postoperatively Protamine sulfate
Created by: karsanmira
Popular Medical sets




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