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CRMA Vital Signs

Waban CRMA 24hr Vital Signs

Where can you take a temperature? Oral, rectal, temporal (forehead), otic (ear), axillary (armpit)
What is a normal oral temperature? 98.6*F
What is a normal rectal temperature? 99.6*F
What is a normal temporal (forehead) temperature? 97.6*F
What is a normal otic (ear) temperature? 99.6*F
What is a normal axillary (armpit) temperature? 97.6*F
Which route is the most accurate when taking a temperature? Rectal
Why would you not take an oral temperature on someone? History of seizures, unconscious, uncooperative, receiving oxygen, have a pathological condition of the nose/mouth/throat, children under 6 years old, they have just had something hot or cold to eat or drink in the last 10-15minutes
Why would you not take a rectal temperature on someone? Have a pathological condition of colon/rectum/anus, recent rectal surgery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, history of sexual abuse
What is a normal Respiratory rate for an adult? 12-20/minute
When taking a respiratory rate, do you want the individual to know you are counting their breaths? No, count respirations after taking a radial pulse without removing your fingers from their wrist, without informing the consumer of your actions.
What is a normal Pulse rate for an adult? 60-100 beats per minute (BPM)
Where are the 3 places to take a pulse? Radial (wrist), carotid (neck), apical (over heart with stethoscope)
When is it appropriate to take a carotid pulse? Only in an emergency situation
Which pulse site is the most accurate? Apical (over heart)
Where is the brachial pulse site? In the inside bend of the elbow. Used for checking blood pressures.
What is tachycardia? a fast heart rate, above 100 BPM
What is bradycardia? a slow heart rate, below 60 BPM
When taking a pulse, what are the 3 things that are checked? Rate (number of beats/minute), rhythm (regular or irregular), strength (strong/weak/normal)
What is the systolic blood pressure? top number in a blood pressure, the pressure in an artery when the heart contracts/beats, first sound heard when taking a BP
What is the diastolic blood pressure? bottom number in blood pressure, the pressure remaining in the blood vessels when the heart is at rest, last sound heard when taking a BP
What is considered hypertension? A high blood pressure; anything above 130/80
What is considered hypotension? A low blood pressure; anything below 100/60
Why would you NOT take a blood pressure on someone's upper arm? injury or cast, recent surgery, side of a mastectomy (breast removal), side has been affected by a stroke (CVA), IV or medical devices on that arm
How should someone be positioned when taking vital signs? Resting, preferably sitting, feet flat on floor
Created by: jdonovancrma
Popular Medical sets




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