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med terms

Objective signs, laboratory findings, or both, from a medical source.
Subjective What the patient says
Systemic In your system
Assessment Combination of subjective and objective information
Pericardium tissue around the heart
Superior Above, on top of
Inferior Below
Lateral To the side of
Distal Away from/down
Proximal Towards or near
Anterior or ventral Front
Posterior or dorsal back
Localized disease that is limited to a certain part of the body.
Chief complaint The main reason for the patient’s visit
Pathology study of disease
Epiphyses ends of bones
Diaphysis middle of bone; shaft
Metaphysis neck; connects the diaphysis with the epiphysis
Axial Center
Appendicular arms and legs
Postictal time after a seizure
Tonic-clonic seizure a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase
Dystonia condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements
Hydrocephaly abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
Effusion fluid buildup
Bursolith a stone in a bursa
Cardiologist Physician Specializing in the heart
Adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor of a gland
Splenodynia Spleen pain
Autoimmune disease disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking the body’s own healthy tissue.
Thrombus blood clot.
parathyroidectomy removal of the parathyroid
thyroidectomy removal of the thyroid
pancreatolithectomy removal of a stone in the pancreas
pancreatic pseudocyst abnormally expanded area in the pancreas resembling a cyst
atherogenesis formation of fatty plaque on the wall of an arter
venosclerosis hardening of a vein
venospasm involuntary contraction of a vein
electrocardiography procedure for recording the electrical currents of the heart
sonography use of sound waves to produce diagnostic images; also called ultrasound
asplenia absence of a spleen or of spleen function
hepatosplenomegaly enlargement of the liver and spleen
stress electrocardiogram records electrical signals of the heart while the patient experiences increases of exercise stress
transesophageal echocardiogram record of the heart using sound waves performed by inserting the transducer into the esophagus
vascular endoscopy procedure to look inside a blood vesse
aortectasia dilation of the aorta
aortic stenosis narrowing of the aorta
thrombus blood clot
varicose veins an enlarged, dilated vein toward the surface of the skin
vascular endoscopy procedure to look inside a blood vessel
heart muscle tissue
pericardium tissue around the heart
murmur abnormal heart sound
Created by: alehue6018
Popular Medical sets




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