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LQB 285

what does pericarditis means inflammation of the pericardial sac
Hematocrit red blood cell
Vascular resistance depends on what 1. Viscosity of blood 2. Length (total) of blood vessel 3. Radius of the blood vessel lumen
Laminar flow characterized by smooth flow of the fluid in layers that do not mix
Bulk flow
Continuous capillaries Tightly bound • Small gaps • Skin, muscle
Fenestrated capillaries Larger pores • Facilitate exchange • Kidneys, small intestine
what is Atrioventricular included • Right: tricuspid • Left: bicuspid/mitral
what is Semilunar valves included Right: pulmonary valve • Left: aortic valve
what is epicardium epicardium is the visceral layer of the pericardium (a serous membrane) that envelops the heart and acts as an additional layer of protection for the heart
what is myocardium myocardium is the muscle tissue of the heart, composed of cardiac muscle cells called cardiomyocytes
what are the ways to manage the oedema Movement • Elevation • Massage • Compression • Reduced salt intake Medication
what is effusion Fluid that accumulates in body cavities is often referred to as an effusion.
what can cause effusion Heart failure • Blocked lymph vessels • Infections • Cancers • Liver disease • Kidney disease
what is dyspnoea Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Orthopnoea Discomfort when breathing while lying down
what ways can manage the effusion • Medications • Fluid drainage • Open heart surgery/Open thoracic surgery
Hyperaemia refer to an increase in blood volume Active process Caused by arteriolar dilation and increased blood flow Occurs • at sites of inflammation • Exercising skeletal muscle (physiological) Usually beneficial
Congestion Refers to an increase in blood volume Passive process Caused by impaired outflow of venous blood from a tissue Occurs • Systemically e.g., cardiac failure • Locally e.g., isolated venous obstruction g., isolated venous obstruction Usually benefic
– Hypovolaemic shock
Thrombosis Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms either in a vein or an artery
thrombus The internal clot is known as a thrombus
what are the primary abnormalities that lead to intravascular thrombosis Endothelial injury 2. Stasis or turbulent blood flow 3. Hypercoagulability of the blood
Hypercoagulability 血凝过快
Recanalisation 管道再造
Embolism 栓塞
what is arterial thrombus caused by ? Caused by endothelial injury and abnormal flow Forms a “white” clot – due to more platelets as a result of endothelial injury
what is Venous Thrombus Caused by stasis and hypercoagulability Forms a “red” clot – due to more red blood cells
transudate 渗出液
exudate 渗出液
puffiness 虚胖
dimple 凹点
ascites 腹水
dyspnoea 呼吸困难
what is haematoma internal haemorrhage
what is the difference between Superficial vein thrombi and deep vein thrombi ? superficial vein thrombi :Symptomatic: Swelling (Oedema), increase in heat, pain, redness Rarely embolise deep vien thrombi: asymptomatic ,Can lead to pulmonary embolism
what is the Pharmacologic interventions for hypertension Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ACE inhibitors Angiotensin receptor blocker ARBs
what is atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is characterized by sub-endothelial lesions called an atheroma
what is the pathogenesis of the atheroscresis Fatty streak LDL engulfed by macrophages Fibrous plaque Macrophages release growth factors/cytokines stimulating Smooth muscle proliferation Deposition of collagen T lymphocytes recruitment New small blood vessels formation
what is unstable atheroma can rupture to cause sudden occlusion. • Ischemic atrophy of vessel wall causes structural weakening that can lead to dilation (Aneurysm)
what is stable atheroma asymptomatic until the stenosis exceeds 70-80% of lumen diameter Most likely to cause ischaemia in e.g., the heart, brain and/or kidneys due to partial occlusion of the vascular lumen (atherosclerotic stenosis) of the coronary arteries, cerebral
what is Aneurysms Aneurysms are dilations of blood vessels or the heart
what are The two common risk factors for aneurysms atherosclerosis and hypertension Atherosclerosis is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms Hypertension is associated with ascending aortic aneurysms
what are varicose veins Varicose veins are dilated, convoluted superficial veins
what can cause varicose veins Chronic venous hypertension Weakened vessel wall
what is the consequence of the varicose veins Stasis, which leads to: • Congestion • Thrombosis • Pain Venous pressure causes oedema
Created by: Kiki Tang
Popular Medical sets




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