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Medical Terminology


Atraumatic No evidence of trauma to the body
Diaphoresis Excessive sweating
Febrile Having a fever
Malaise Generalized discomfort or weakness
Normocephalic Normal shaped head
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Polyuria Excessive urination
Conjunctiva Membrane lining of the eyelids and eyeball
Conjunctival Injection Redness of the conjunctiva
Diplopia Double vision
Nystagmus Involuntary rapid movements of the eyes
Cerumen Ear wax
Dentalgia Dental pain
Dentition Indicating condition of teeth
Dysphagia Painful/difficulty swallowing
Epistaxis Bleeding of the nose
Hemotympanum Blood in the middle ear
Rhinorrhea Runny nose
Septal deviation Displacement of the nasal septum
Tinnitus Ringing of the ears
Trismus Inability to open the jaw
Accessory Muscle Use Visible use of muscles not normally used to breathe
Bradypnea Unusually slow breathing
Cyanosis When the skin turns purple/dark blue (typically due to hypoxia)
Hypoxia Low oxygen saturation of the body, not enough oxygen in the blood
Dyspnea Shortness of breath
Expiration Breathing out
Hemoptysis Coughing up blood
Inspiration Breathing in
Intubated Introduction of a tube into a hollow organ (such as trachea)
Orthopnea Difficulty breathing when lying down
Rale Abnormal sound heard in lungs
Respiratory Distress Difficulty breathing
Retraction Visible pulling inward of the muscles between the ribs when inhaling
Rhonchi Whistling sound heard with partial obstruction in the lungs
Speech Dyspnea Shortness of breath when speaking
Stridor Sound heard with obstruction of the airways
Tachypnea Unusually fast breathing
Wheeze Difficulty breathing making a whistling sound that is a result from the narrowing of the lumen in respiratory passages
Aneurysm Widening of a blood vessel that results in a blood sac
Angina Severe, constricting chest pain due to heart tissues not receiving enough blood
Arrhythmia Abnormal, irregular heartbeat
Bradycardia Unusually slow heart rate
Bruit Murmur/sound heard in auscultation indicating narrowing of a vessel
Auscultation Listening to sounds within the body (organs) such as lungs, heart, etc (usually w/ stethoscope)
Capillary Refill Return of color after pressing down on skin
Costochondritis Inflammation of the costal cartilage (connect sternum to ribs)
Embolism Obstruction of blood vessels by a clot/foreign substance
Hemorrhage Loss of blood from the body (internally or externally)
Hypertension Elevated blood pressure
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Infarct The death of a tissue due to loss of blood supply
Ischemia Temporary, localized area of blood restriction
Murmur Extra heart sounds
Palpitations Awareness of one's own heart beat (sensation of racing, fluttering, etc.)
Pitting Edema Fluid build up that leaves a pit or indentation when pressed (usually in the legs)
Stenosis Narrowing of an opening
Tachycardia Unusually fast heart rate
Emesis Vomit
Hematemesis Vomit with blood
Hematochezia Blood in stool
Hemerrhoid Swollen/inflamed veins in rectum/anus
Melena Black, tarry stool
Hepatosplenomegaly Enlarged spleen/liver
Urolithiasis Kidney stones
Cervical Referring to neck or cervix of the uterus
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation
Dysuria Painful urination
Hematuria Blood in urine
Incontinence Sudden, involuntary urge to urinate
Inguinal Groin region
Priapism Persistent and painful erection, often due to trauma
Torsion Twisting of an organ around its own axis
Nephrolithiasis Kidney stones
Arthralgia Joint pain
Crepitus Crackling or grating sound heard in the bones
Edema Accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces, swelling
Myalgia Muscle pain, body aches
Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) Where the spine meets the pelvis
Spasm Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
Supple Flexible neck that can move easily during an exam
Avulsion A forcible tearing away of a part/structure
Contusion Trauma that results in broken blood vessels beneath the skin
Ecchymosis Bruise that's not elevated
Erythema Redness of the skin
Fluctuance Capable of being moved or compressed, indicated presence of pus
Induration Localized hardening of soft tissue
Laceration Cut in the skin
Macular Flat rash
Maculopapular Rash Rash characterized by flat red rashes that are covered in small bumps
Melanoma Most deadly type of skin cancer
Nuchal Rigidity Neck stiffness
Pallor Paleness of the skin
Papular Solid, rallied lesion with distinct borders
Pruritic Itchy
Purulent Consisting, containing, or discharging pus
Sanguineous Drainage that is a mixture of pus and blood
Alert and Oriented Measure of mental function in orientation to person, place, time, and situation (if a person is oriented to all 4, its "A&Ox4")
Ambulatory Able to walk
Concussion Loss of consciousness due to a severe head injury
Dysphasia Inability to understand verbal commands due to brain injury or illness
Gait A manner of walking
Neuralgia Nerve pain
Neurovascularly Intact Circulation/sensation are normal
Paresthesia Abnormal tactile sensation such as numbness, tingling, or burning
Photophobia Sensitivity to light
Post-ictal Symptoms that occur after a seizure
Romberg Sign Swaying of the body or falling when eyes are closed
Saddle Anesthesia Loss of sensation restricted to the buttocks, perineum, inner thighs
Seizure Convulsions due to abnormal electrical impulses in the brain
Syncope Temporary loss of consciousness (fainting)
Delusional Having irrational belief that cannot be changed by rational argument, often found in schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis
Dementia Partial or total loss of personality or mental function due to mental deterioration, without psychosis
Homicidal Ideation Confirmed thoughts of hurting others
Suicidal Ideation Confirmed thoughts of self-harm
Acute Sudden flare up of a condition
Chronic Condition that has been present for a long time
Effusion Escape of fluid into a cavity
Etiology Cause of a disease and mode of operation
Exacerbation To aggravate a condition
Exudate Substance that is seen on surface tissues unusually as a result of inflammation or disease condition
Guarding Movement of extremities to protect the body when pressure is applied, volunary or involuntary
Metastasis The spread of cancer
Necrotic Dead (as in tissue)
Sublingual Under the tongue
Rebound A sensation of pain felt when pressure is suddenly removed
Turgor Condition of being swollen or distended
Created by: elissa721
Popular Medical sets




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