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separates into R and L sides sagittal
separates into front and back coronal, frontal
median plane, midsagittal separates into R and L halves
separates across (3 terms, use commas) transverse, axial, horizontal
anterior front
ventral belly side
dorsal back
toward out edges peripheral
proximal nearest to
(opposite of) proximal (opposite of) distal
to the side lateral
toward the center/to the center central
cephalad toward the head
Also known as cortical bone compact bone (is also known as)
Two other names for spongy bone cancellous, tracbecular
tendons connect muscle to bone
ligaments connect bones to bones
Synovial joints AKA Diarthrotic
two types synovial joints ball and socket, hinge
most highly movable joints synovial
slightly movable joints symphysis (AKA as cartilaginous, amphiarthrotic)
joints in skull suture
Fibrous joints/Synarthrotic joints Suture joints
compression fracture is usually due to osteoporosis, aging, trauma
Shattered bone fracture comminuted
Wrist fracture Colles
fracture where bone protrudes through skin compound/open
Fracture usually seen in children Greenstick
Reduction of fracture returning bone to normal position
fixation procedure to immobilize a fracture
malalignment allowing fracture to heal without treatment
dislocation/luxation joint is out of socket
subluxation partial dislocation
noise produced when bones rub together indicating fracture crepitatiion
traction application of pulling force on dislocated or fractured limb
exostosis bone spur resulting in outward projection from surface
rickets deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in childhood resulting in bone deformity
decrease in bone mass leading to thinning and weakening of bone osteoporosis
softening of bone due to vitamin/calcium deficiencies osteomalacia
arthritis affecting vertebrae ankylosing spondylitis
arthritis associated with build up of uric acid in joints Gout
arthritis due to aging, wear and tear osteoarthritis
autoimmune type of chronic arthritis rheumatoid
meningomyelocele protrusion of spinal cord and meninges through congenital defect in vertebrae
spina bifida congenital anomaly where vertebra fails to form around spinal cord
opposite of dorsiflexion plantar flexion
pronation rotating arms so hands face down or back
supination rotating arms so palms face forward or up
abduction to move away from
adduction to move toward
flexion to bend joint and decrease angle of joint
extension increase the angle of a joint
fibromyalgia widespread aches and pains in muscles and soft tissue
claudication lower leg pain associated with poor circulation
muscular dystrophy inherited disease resulting in muscle degeneration
necrotizing fasciitis flesh eating disease
genu varum bow leg
genu valgum knock knees
hypertrophy overly developed in size
non working end of muscle origin
working end of muscle insertion
Created by: hope hanks
Popular Medical sets




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