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Lesson 2 Med Terms

ar, ary pertaining to
cle, ule, ular small;little
-e means of
an, ian belonging to
-ide chemical compounds
-ist one who practices
-algia pain
myalgia pain of the muscles
arthralgia pain of the joints
cervic- neck
cervical pertaining to the neck
cervicitis inflammation of the neck
chole- nile
choleic pertaining to bile
cholecyst sac containing bile
chondr- cartilage
chondropathology study of cartilage disease
chondroma tumor of the cartilage
crani- skull
craniectomy removal of the skull
craniopathy disease of the skull
cyan blue
cyanoderma blue skin
cyanic pertaining to the color blue
cyst sac containing fluid
cystic pertaining to a sac containing fluid
end- inside
endocardial pertaining to the inside of the heart
entostosis growth inside of the bone
hem(at)- blood
hematology study of the blood
hematoma a tumor filled with blood
hemi- half
hemicrania pain on one side of the head
hemisection division into two sections
hyper- above, more than normal
hyperalgia excessive pain
hypertension excessive tension
hypo- under
hypoadenia lessened gland activity
hypotension diminished tension
hyster- uterus
hysterectomy removal of the uterus
hysterology study of the uterus
lip- fat
lipocardia fatty heart
lipemia fat in the blood
lith- stone
lithic pertaining to stone
-lithia forming of stony tissue
-lysis loosening; destruction
hemolysis breaking down of blood
autolysis destruction of body tissues or cells
my- muscle
myoma tumor of muscles
myomatectomy surgical removal of muscle tumor
-oid like
adenoid gland like tumor
lipoid fat like
ophthalm- eyes
ophthalmologist eye specialist
ophthalmic pertaining to the eyes
ost- bone
osteoma bone tumor
osteopathy study of bone disease
-ostomy create an opening
dermatostomy creating an opening in the skin
cardiostomy creating an opening in the heart
para- beside, beyond
paramedical connected to medicine
paralysis the lose of movement
proct- anus
proctology the study of the anus
proctoplasty surgical repair of the anus
psycho- mind
psychic pertaining to the mind
psychology the study of the mind
-scop observe
microscope instrument of observing
stethoscope instrument of observing the chest
Created by: JKJohnson
Popular Medical sets




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