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Lesson 3 Med Terms

acro extremities
acral pertaining to the extremities
acromegaly enlargement of the extremities
auto self
autolysis disintegration of tissue because of patient's own body
autoscope instrument for observing one's own organs
burso sac
bursa closed sacs that lie between surfaces
bursitis inflammation of bursa
carcin cancer
carcinous pertaining to cancer
carcinoma malignant, cancerous tumor
cephal head
cepahlic pertaining to the head
cephalad toward the head
cost rib
costal pertaining to the ribs
costa one rib
dent teeth
dentist teeth specialist
dental pertaining to the teeth
desis binding, fixation
arthrodesis surgical fusion of a joint
dyn pain
odynometer instrument for measuring pain
odynia state of pain
epi upon
epidermis outermost layer of skin
epithelium covering of internal and external surfaces
gen original, production
gene generator of heredity
genital pertaining to reproduction
glosso tongue
glossal pertaining to the tongue
hypoglossal underneath the tongue
gram record
cardiogram record of the heart
myogram record of a muscle
hydro water
hydric pertaining to water
hidrosis any skin disease of the sweat glands
mani madness
mania loss of control over emotional, nervous, or mental processes
manic pertaining to madness
mast breast
mastitis inflammation of the breast
mastaden milk-secreting gland of the breast
penia decrease
hematopenia deficiency of blood
lipopenia deficiency of lipids
ptosis falling
gastroptosis downward displacement of the stomach
blepharoptosis drooping of the upper eyelid
retr(o) backwards
retraction drawing back
retractor an instrument of drawing back
rrhaphy suture
cardiorrhaphy a suture of the heart
nephrorrhaphy a suture of the kidney
rhexis break, burst
strept twist
strept throat streptococcal infection of the throat
streptococcus infectious microrganism with a twisted form
supra above; over
supercerebral upper cerebrum
superacute extremely painful
trip rub; friction
tripsis the act of rubbing, massaging
lithotripsy curshing of a calculus within the bladder
tripsy crushing
trophy development; growth
trophic pertaining to nutrition, development
hypertrophy over development
Created by: JKJohnson
Popular Medical sets




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