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Module 3 Definitions

Layers of the skin epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
Nails Protect the tips of fingers and toes
Sudoriferous glands sweat glands
Sebaceous glands oil glands
Sebum oil
Melanin A pigment that gives the skin its color and provides protection from UV rays
Melanocytes cells that produce melanin
subcutaneous tissue made mostly of adipose tissue
function of epidermis protection from pathogens, chemicals, UV rays, and water loss
dermis Contains blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands, nerve cells.
function of hypodermis insulation, energy storage, and padding
types of medications absorbed through the skin topical ointments and creams, transdermal patches
Vitamin produced when skin is exposed to UV light Vitamin D
Contents of sweat water, salts, and wastes
Function of sweat Dissipates excess heat, excretes waste products, inhibits bacteria growth
Function of sebum lubricates skin, helps to prevent bacterial growth
lesion pathologic change of the tissue due to disease or injury
rash an area of irritated skin
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) contagious fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet
Hives (urticaria) A skin rash triggered by a reaction to food, medicine, or other irritants.
Herpes A viral infection causing small painful blisters, most commonly around the mouth or genitals
Melanoma cancer of melanocytes in the skin
Decubitus ulcer injury to the skin resulting from prolonged pressure
Warts Growths on the skin caused by an infection with human papilloma virus, or HPV
Peduculosis lice
Ringworm contagious fungal infection with circular patches
1st degree burn only epidermis is damaged
2nd degree burn epidermis and dermis are damaged
3rd degree burn epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are damaged
dermatome instrument used to cut skin (in thin slices for skin grafts)
inflammation the body's response to an injury or infection
histamine a chemical that produces inflammation
S&S of inflammation SHARP - Swelling, heat, altered function, redness, pain
Erythema redness of the skin
thermogenesis process of heat production
Created by: kalin.organ
Popular Medical sets




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