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PSYC 271 Unit 1

biopsychology scientific study of the biology of behavior
pure research research primarily motivated by curosity of the researcher
applied research research intended to bring about direct benefit for humankind
physiological psychology study of neural mechanisms of behavior or through direct manipulation and recording of brain in experiments
psychopharmacology focuses on manipulation of neural activity and behaviour with drugs
neuropsychology study of psychological effects if brain dysfunction in human patients
psychophysiology study of relation between physiological activity and psychological processeas in humans
cognitive neuroscience study of neural bases of cognition
cognition higher intellectual processes (thought, memory, etc)
comparative psychology studies evolution genetics and adaptiveness of behaviour using comparative approach between species
converging operations use of several research approaches
behaviourism all behaviours are a result of environmental conditioning
ethology study of animal behaviour in the wild
natural selection hertiable traits that are associated with high rates of survival and reproduction are most likely to be passed on
fitness ability of organism to survive and contribute genes to next generation
species group of organisms reproductively isolated from other organisms
chordates animals with dorsal nerve cords
exaptation adaptive characteristics not evolved to perform current function
homologous similar structures due to common evolutionary origin
analogous similar structures because of convergent evolution
convergent evolution evolution in unrelated species of similar solution to same environmental demands
dichotomous traits traits that occur in 1 form or another
true breeding lines breeding lines in which interbred members always produce offspring with same trait, generation after generation
dominant traits trait of dichotomous that is expressed in phenotype of heterozygous individuals
recessive traits trait of dichotomous pair that is not expressed in phenotype of heterozygous individuals
phenotype organisms observable trait
genotype traits an organism can pass onto offspring through genetic material
genes unit of inheritance
homozygous possess 2 identical alleles
heterozygous possess 2 different alleles
chromosomes threadlike structure in nucleus of each cell containing DNA
gametes haploid reproductive cells
DNA replication process by which the DNA molecule duplicates
mutations alterations of individual genes
sex chromosomes determine individuals sex
sex linked traits influenced by genes on sex chromosome
promoters stretches of DNA that determine which structure genes are converetd into protein
codon 3 consecutive nucleotide bases, specifies particular amino acid
epigenetics study of all mechanisms of inheritance other than those mediated by changes to gene sequences of DNA
DNA methylation methyl group attaches to DNA (usually cytosine) to alter gene expression
histone remodelling histones alter shape and therefore influence shape of adjacent DNA, altering gene expression
epigenome catalogue of all the epigenetic mechanisms in each cell type
transgenerational epigenetics subfield of epigenetics that examines transmission of experiences via epigenetic mechanism across generations
ontogeny development of individuals over their lifespan
phenylketonuria neurological disorder characterized by vomitting, seizures, intellectual disability, hyperactivity, hyperirritability, brain damage and high levels of phenylpyruvatic acid in urine
heritability estimate numerical estimate of proportion of variability that occured in a particular trait in a particular study that resulted from the genetic variation in said study
central nervous system portion of the nervous system within the skull and spine
peripheral nervous system portion of the nervous system outside the skull and spine
somatic nervous system interacts with external environment
afferent nerves nerves that carry sensory signals from muscles/organs to the central nervous system
efferent nerves nerves that carry motor signals from the central nervous system to skeletal muscles/internal organs
autonomic nervous system regulates body's internal environment
sympathetic nervous system thoracolumbar spinal nerves fight or flight response
parasympathetic nervous system craniosacral spinal nerves rest or digest response
meninges 3 protective membranes that cover the CNS
subarachnoid space lies between arachnoid and pia mater
central canal CSF filled channel running length of spinal cord
cerebral ventricles CSF fillled chambers of brain 2 lateral, 3rd and 4th
blood brain barrier mechanism impedes passage of toxic substance from blood to brain
neurons cells specialized for the receptor conduction and transmission of electrochemical signals
multipolar neurons more than 2 processes extend from cell body
unipolar neurons one process extends from cell body
bipolar neurons two process extend from cell body
interneurons no processes, integrate neural activity within brain structure
nuclei CNS clusters of cell bodies
ganglia PNS clusters of cell bodies
tracts CNS bundle of axons
nerves PNS bundle of axons
glial cells nonneural cells of nervous system
oligodendrocytes glial cells that myelinate axons of CNS
schwann cells perform same function as oligodendrocytes in PNS
microglia respond to injury/disease by engulfing debris and triggering inflammatory response
astrocytes large, star shaped with multiple roles
golgi stain completely darkens a few neurons in each slice of tissue, revealing silhouettes
nissil stain has affinity for structures in neuron cell bodies
cross section section cut at right angle to any long narrow structure of CNS
grey matter cell bodies and unmyelinated interneurons
white matter myelinated axons
myelencephalon medulla, most posterior of 5 divisions
reticular formations plays a role in arousal with various nuclei controlling different functions
melencephalon includes pons and cerebellum
cerebellum important sensorimotor structure with impacts on other areas
mesencephalon composed of tectum and tegmentum
tectum roof, includes inferior and superior colliculi
inferior colliculi auditory function
superior colliculi visual motor function
tegmentum lies anterior to tectum composed of preaqueductal gray, substantia nigra and red nucleus
preaqueductal gray situated around cerebral aqueduct and plays role in pain reduction
diencephalon composed of thalamus and hypothalamus
thalamus large 2 lobed structure, mosy relays sensory information to cortex
hypothalamus just below thalamus, regulates several motivated behaviours via hormones from pituitary gland
lateral geniculate relays visual information
medial geniculate relays auditory information
ventral posterior relays somatosensory information
optic chiasm point where optic nerves come together and decussate
contralateral fibres project from one side of body to other
ipsilateral fibres stay on same side of body
telencephalon largest division of brain, most complex functions
cerebral cortex covers cerebral hemispheres, deeply furrowed in humans
longitudinal fissure largest fissure, separates cerebral hemisphere
cerebral commissures tracts that connect cerebral hemispheres
central fissure separates frontal lobe from parietal
lateral fissure separates temportal lobe from frontal
occipital lobe vision centre of brain
parietal lobe analyzes body sensations, percieves body location and directs attention
temporal lobe hearing and language, identifies complex vsiual patterns, important for memory
frontal lobe motor function and complex cognitive functions
neocortex 6 layered cerebral cortex of recent evolution 90% of humans
pyramdial cells large multipolar cortical neurons with pyramidal ccell body, apical dendrite and very long axon
stellate cells small star shapped cortical interneuron
hippocampus structure of medial temporal lobes that plays a role in memory
limbic system collection of interconnected nuclei and tracts in ring around thalamus
basal ganglia collection of subcortical nuclei
Created by: gfquinn0
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