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MT-I (Root)
Term | Definition |
adeno | gland |
calculi | stone |
cyto | cell |
glyco | sugar/sweet |
homeo/homo | similar/same |
lip | fat |
lithotripsy | stone dissolve |
madaro | falling hair |
psych | mind |
pyo | pus |
radi | rays |
thermic | heat |
arthro | joint |
carpo | wrist |
chondro | cartilage |
costa | rib |
cranio | skull |
dactyl | finger |
ili | hip |
manus | hand |
myel | bone marrow |
myo | muscle |
ortho | straighten |
osteo | bone |
pedi | foot |
Spondyl | vertabrae |
Cutis | skin |
Dent | teeth |
Derma | skin |
Hapsia | touch |
Odont | teeth |
Onco | tumor |
Onychia | nail beds |
Pedicular | lice |
Prurigo | itching |
Psora | itch |
Sarco | flesh |
Sclero | hard |
Squama | scaly |
Tricho | hair |
Chole | bile |
Colon | large intestine |
Emesis | vomiting |
Entero | intestine |
Gastro | stomach |
Glosso | tongue |
Hepat | liver |
ile | ileum (last of 3 sections of the intestine) |
Laparo | abdomen |
Myxo | mucus |
Procto | anus/rectum |
Pyloro | gatekeeper (holds food in stomach until digested) |
Stoma | opening or mouth |
Viscero | body organs |
Angio | vessel |
Aortal | aorta/main artery |
Arterio | artery |
Cardio | heart |
Emboli | vessel obstruction |
Emia | blood |
Hema or hemo | blood |
Phleb | vein |
Thrombo | blood clot |
Varico | varicose veins |
Vaso | blood vessel |
Vena | vein |
Ventricu | heart cavity |
Broncho or bronchi | airway |
Cili | hairlike processes |
Ectasis | expansion |
Laryngo | larynx or voice box |
Naso | nose |
Oro | mouth |
Oxy | oxygen or keen |
Pector | breast or chest |
Pleura | rib side |
Pneumo | lung |
Ptysis | to spit |
Pulmo | lungs |
Rhin | nose |
Tracheo | trachea or windpipe |
Creatinine | waste material in urine |
Cysto | bladder |
Glomerulo | nephron part |
Nephro | kidney |
Peritoneo | lining of abdominal organs |
Pyelo | pelvis |
Reni | kidney |
Uretero | ureter |
Urethro | urethera |
Uri | urine |
Uric | urine |
Uro | urine |
Bulbo | bulblike/bulbous gland |
Cervi | neck or uterus |
Galacto | milk |
Genito | reproductive system |
Hyster | uterus |
Lactin | milk |
Mast | breast |
Metr | uterus |
Natal | born |
Oophoro | ovary |
Orchido | testicle |
Ova/ovi/ovo | egg |
Salping | tube (fallopian) |
Sperma or spermato | seed |
Vas | duct or vessel |
Audio | sound |
Cerebro | brain |
Encephalo | brain |
Esthesia | sensation |
Medulla | brain middle |
Meninga | membrane/spinal cord |
Occiput | back of skull |
Oculo | eye |
Opthalmo | eye |
Oto | ear |
Parietes | parietel/wall part |
Pons | bridges |
Tempora | temporal |
a/an | without |
ab | away from |
ad | toward |
algia | pain |
ante | before/wall part |
anti | against |
bi | two/double |
brady | slow |
circum | around |
co/con | together |
de | down/away from |
desis | binding/fixation of |
dia | through |
dys | difficult/abnormal |
ecto | outside |
ectomy | excision |
endo | within |
epi | outer/on top of/over |
exo | away from |
extra | outside/beyond |
ferro | iron |
fore | before |
form | shape of |
graphy | writing/record |
hemi | half |
hydra/hydro | water |
hyper | above |
hypo | below |
iasis | condition of |
iatric | medicine |
ic | pertaining to |
inter | between |
intra | within |
isis/asis | condition of |
itis | inflammation of |
juxta | near |
kinesis | movement |
kypho | humped |
logia/logy | science of |
lysis | disintegration |
macro | large/long |
malacia | softening |
med/medi/medio | middle |
mega/megaly | enlargement |
micro | small |
mono | single/one |
multi | many |
neo | new |
ob | against |
oid | like/shape/resemble |
oligo | few |
ology | study of |
oma | tumor |
osis | condition |
otomy | incision |
pachy | thick |
para | near/departure from the normpath |
penia | deficiency |
peri | around |
pexy | fixation/suspension |
phobia | fear of |
phoresis | transmission |
plasty | plastic surgical correction |
plegia | paralysis/stroke |
poly | many |
post | after |
pre | before |
pro | in front of/on behalf of |
pseudo | false |
ptosis | falling |
re | back/again |
retro | backward |
rrhaphy | suture |
rhexis | rupture |
scopy | exam |
semi | half |
sphygmo | pulse |
sub | below |
super/supra | above |
sym/syn | together |
tachy | swift/fast |
tele | distant |
toxo | poison/toxic |
trans | across |
tri | three |
ultra | above |
uni | one |
xeno | foreign |
xero | dry |
albus | white |
chloro | green |
chrom | color |
cirrhos | yellow |
cyano | blue |
erythr | red |
leuko | white |
melano | black |
polio | gray |
purple/porphyria | |
rhoda | rose |
rubeo | red |
xantho | yello |