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Med terms: Chapter 4
Term | Definition |
1. encephal/o | entire brain |
2. esthesi/o | sensation |
3. gli/o | glue |
4. gnos/o | knowing |
5. hypn/o | sleep |
6. lex/o | word or phrase |
7. narc/o | stupor or sleep |
8. phor/o | carry or bear |
9. phren/o | mind |
10. schiz/o | split |
11. somn/i | sleep |
12. tax/o | order or coordination |
13. thym/o | mind |
14. top/o | place |
15. cata- | down |
16.-asthenia | weakness |
17. -lepsy | seizure |
18. -mania | condition of abnormal impulse toward |
19. -plegia | paralysis |
20. fissures | deep grooves in the brain |
21. cranial nerves | 12 pairs of nerves arising from the brain |
22. BD | bipolar disorder |
23. CP | cerebral palsy |
24. DTR | deep tendon reflexes |
25. EEG | electroencephalogram |
26. GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
27. LP | lumbar puncture |
28. MS | multiple sclerosis |
29. PSG | polysomnography |
30. SAD | seasonal affective disorder |