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Med Terms

Med terms sur 100

a-, an-, in without, negative
ab- from, away from
ad-, ac-, as-, at- to, toward
ante- before, in front
anti-, ant- against
bi- two
bio- life
brachy- short
brady- slow
cent- hundred
circum- around
co-, com-, con- with, together
contra- against
de- down from
dextr- right
dia- through
dis- apart
dys- bad, difficult
e-, ex- out, out from
ecto-, exo-, extra- outside
en- in, on
end-, endo- within
epi- upon
eu- good
hemi-, semi- half
hyper- over, above
hypo- under, below
infra- beneath
inter- between
intra- within
kil-, kilo- thousand
macr-, macro- large
mal- bad
mes- middle
meta- after, beyond
micr-, micro- small
milli- one one-thousandth
multi- many
neo- new
olig- scanty, few
onc- tumor
para- beside
per- through
peri- around
poly- much, many
post- after
pre- before
presby- old
primi- first
pro- before
re- back, again
retr-, retro- behind
sub- under, below
super-, supra- above
syn-, sym- with, together
tachy- fast
trans- across, beyond
uni- one
-al pertaining to
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-atresia without an opening
-cele hernia
-centesis puncturing to aspirate fluid
-cide, -cidal kill
-cis cut
-cyte cell
-desis fusion
-dynia pain
-ectasia expansion, dilation
-ectomy cut out, excise
-edema swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood
-gnosis knowledge
-gram record, x-ray
-graphy making a record
-iasis condition
-ist one who
-itis inflammation
-lepsy seizures
-logist one who specializes
-logy study of
-lysis, -lytic break down, dissolve
-malacia abnormal softening
-mania madness
-megaly enlargement
-meter measure
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-opia vision
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy creation of an opening
-otia ear
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency, poor
-pepsia digestion
-pexy surgical fixation
-phasia speak, say
-philia love, attraction
-phobia abnormal fear
-plasia formation
-plasm substance
-plasty make, shape
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breathe
-ptosis prolapse, drooping
-rrhagia burst forth
-rrhaphy suture, sew
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-scope instrument for viewing
-scopy visualization
-some, soma body
-spasm twitching
-stasis stop, control
-therapy treatment
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy to cut
-tripsy crushing
-trophy development
-uria urine
acr- extremity, peak
aden- gland
aer- air
angi- vessel
anter- front
arthr- joint
blephar- eyelid
brachi- arm
carcin- cancer
cardi- heart
carp- wrist
caud- tail
cephal- head
cerebr- brain
cervic- neck
cheil- lip
cheir, chir- hand
chol- bile, gall
cholecyst- gallbladder
chondr- cartilage
chrom- color
chron- time
col- large intestine, colon
colp- vagina
cost- rib
crani- skull
cry- cold
crypt- hidden
cutan-, cut- skin
cyan- blue
cyst- bladder
cyt- cell
dacry- tear
dactyl- finger, toes
dent-, odont- tooth
derm-, dermat- skin
dextr- right
dips- thirst
dors- back
duct- carry
encephal- brain
enter- intestine
erg- work
erythr- red
esthe- sensation
febr- fever
flex- bend
gastr- stomach
gen- produce
gingiv- gums
gloss- tongue
glyc-, gluc- sugar
gnath- jaw
grav- heavy, pregnant
gynec- female
hem-, hemat- blood
hepat- liver
heter- different
hidr- perspiration
hist- tissue
home-, hom- same
hydr-, hydra- water
hyster- uterus
iatr- physician
irid- iris
is- equal
kerat- cornea
kin-, kinesi- move, movement
lacrim- tear
lact-, galact- milk
lapar- abdomen
laryng- larynx
later- side
leuk-, leuc- white
lingu- tongue
lip- fat
lith- stone
mamm-, mast- breast
melan- black
men- monthly, menses
metr- uterus
morph- shape, form
my- muscle
myc- fungus
myel- marrow, spinal cord
myring- eardrum
nas- nose
necr- dead
nephr-, ren- kidney
neur- nerve
noct-, nyct- night
null- none
ocul- eye
omphal- unbilicus
onych- nail
oo- egg, ova
oophor- ovary
ophthalm- eye
or- mouth
orchid- testes
orexia- appetite
orth- straight
oste-, oss- bone
ot-, aur- ear
para- to bear
path- disease
pect- chest
ped- child
phag- swallow, eat
pharmac- drug
pharyng- throat
phas- speak, say
phleb- vein
phon- voice
phren- diaphragm
pil-, trich- hair
pneum- air, breath
pneumon- lung
pod- foot
proct- rectum
pseud- false
psych- mind
pulmo(n)- lung
py- pus
pyel- kidney pelvis
pyr- fire, fever
quadri- four
rhin- nose
salping- fallopian tube
sanguin- blood
scler- hard
sect- cut
sept- contamination
sial- saliva
sten- narrow, constricted
stomat- mouth
strict- draw tight
tax- order, arrange
ten- tendon
therm- heat
thorac- chest
thromb- clot
tox- poison
trache- windpipe
trachel neck
traumat- wound
tri- three
trop- turn
troph- nurture, nutrition
ur- urine
vas- vessel
vert- turn
vesic- bladder
viscer- internal organs
vita- life
Created by: sentoyah
Popular Medical sets




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