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MEDA 101

Integumentary System (all terms)

derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
adip/o fat
lip/o fat
cutane/o skin
hidr/o sweat
hydr/o water
seb/o sebum (oil)
trich/o hair
hist/o tissue
cyt/o cell
path/o disease
ichthy/o fish
leuk/o white
erythr/o red
melan/o black
purpur/o purple
xanth/o yellow
myc/o fungus
onych/o nail
-oid resembling
-gen create, generate, or produce
sclerosis hardening of an organ or tissue (e.g., skin)
plas/o tissue formation
electr/o electricity
chem/o chemical
cry/o freezing or cold
carcin/o cancer
auto self
homo same
hetero different
epithelium cells covering external and internal surfaces of the body
epidermis thin, cellular outer layer of the skin
dermis dense, fibrous connective tissue layer of the skin (aka the corium)
sebaceous glands oil glands in the skin
sudoriferous glands sweat glands
keratin hard protein material found in the epidermis, hair, and nails
lesion an area of pathologically altered tissue
lesion: macule a flat, discolored spot on the skin up to 1cm across (e.g., a freckle)
lesion: papule a solid mass on the skin up to 0.5cm across [e.g., a nevus (mole)]
lesion: vesicle little bladder; an elevated, fluid-filled sac (blister) within or under the epidermis up to 0.5cm across
lesion: pustule a pus filled sac
lesion: wheal an area of localized skin edema (swelling) - (e.g., a hive)
ulcer an open sore on the skin or mucous membrane that can bleed and scar and is sometimes accompanied by infection
excoriation a scratch mark
fissure a linear crack in the skin
petechia spot; a reddish-brown, minute hemorrhagic spot on the skin that indicates a bleeding tendency - small purpura
comedone a plug of sebum (oil) within the opening of a hair follicle (black head or white head)
erythema redness of skin
pruritus severe itching
purulent contains pus
urticaria hives; an eruption of wheals on the skin accompanied by itch
burn any injury to the body tissue caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or gases
first-degree burn epidermis only
second-degree burn epidermis & dermis
third-degree burn all layers of the skin, characterized by destruction of epidermis and dermis with damage or destruction of the subcutaneous tissue.
cellulitis an acute inflammation of subcutaneous tissue resulting from a bacterial invasion through a break in the skin
necrosis tissue death
psoriasis an itching; a chronic recurrent skin disease marked by silver-gray scales covering red patches on the skin that result from overproduction and thickening of skin cells
herpes zoster shingles - a viral disease affecting the peripheral nerves characterized by painful blisters that spread over the skin following the affected nerves; usually unilateral
impetigo highly contagious, bacterial skin inflammation marked by pustules that rupture and become crusted - most often occurs around the mouth and nostrils
dermatitis (eczema) an inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and various lesions
pediculosis infestation with lice that causes itching and dermatitis
scabies a contagious disease caused by a parasite (mite) that invades the skin, causing an intense itch
tinea a group of fungal diseases identified by the body part that is affected (ringworm, athlete's foot)
debridement, debride The removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tisue, esp. in a wound.
anti-inflammatory a drug that reduces inflammation
antifungal a drug that kills or prevents the growth of fungus
antipruritic a drug that relieves itching
alopecia baldness; natural or unnatural deficiency of hair
rosacea a chronic rose-colored eruption
I & D incision and drainage
Bx biopsy
C & S culture and sensitivity
HSV herpes simplex virus
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
autograft skin graft where graft is from one area of the body to another area on the same person
homograft graft between same species
heterograft graft between different species
nevus, nevi a congenital malformation on the skin that can by epidermal or vascular - also called a mole
graft moving tissue
Created by: LCC
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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