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Chapter 4 Cards

Medical Terminology: Creative Study Assignment - Chapter 4

phor/o carry or bear
phren/o mind
tax/o order or coordination
top/o place
-asthenia weakness
neuralgia pain along the course of a nerve
sciatica pain that follows the pathway of the sciatic, caused by compression or trauma of the nerve or its roots
syncope fainting
agnosia any of many types of loss of neurologic function involving intepretation of sensory information
astereognosis inability to judge the form of an object by touch (e.g., a coin from a key)
atopognosis the inability to to locate a sensation properly, such as the inability to locate a point touched on the body
cerebrovascular disease disorder resulting from a changewithin one or more blood vessels of the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis condition of lipid (fat) buildup within the blood vessels of the brain (ather/o = fatty [lipid] paste)
cerebral thrombosis presence of a stationary clot in a blood vessel of the brain
plegia paralysis
polysomnography recording of various aspects of sleep (e.g., eye and muscle movements, respiration, and EEG patterns) to diagnose sleep disorders
extracranial MRA magnetic resonance image of the neck to visualize the carotid artery
discectomy removal of a herniated disk, often done percutaneously (per = through; cutaneous = skin)
vertebral lamina flattened posterior portion of the vertebral arch
stereotactic frame mechanical device used to localize a point in space, targeting a precise site; also called stereotaxic frame
analgesic drug that relieves pain
flat affect significantly dulled or emotional tone or outward reaction
catatonia a state of unresponsiveness to one's outside environment , usually including rigidity, staring, and inability to communicate
mania state of abnormal elation and increased activity
dysthymia a milder affective disorder characterized by chronic depression
neuroleptic agents drugs used to treat psychosis, especially schizophrenia
sedative drug that has a calming effect and quiets nervousness
light therapy use of specialized illuminating light boxes and visors to treat seasonal affective disorder
neurosis a psychologic condition in which anxiety is prominent
euphoria an exaggerated, unfounded feeling of well-being
Created by: sstrickland25
Popular Medical sets




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