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Chapter 4

Integumentary System (Complementary Terms) Not built from word parts

absecess localized collection of pus, bacteria, and other material; can occur in the skin (cutaneous abscess) or other locations within the body (internal abscess)
alopecia loss of hair; there are multiple types with various causes, including androgenic, areata, and traction
cyst closed sac containing fluid or semisolid material; can occur in the skin (cutaneous cyst) or other locations within the body
diaphoresis sweating
ecchymosis (pl. ecchymoses) large (grater than 1cm), flat, blue-purple lesion caused by escape of blood into deeper areas of the skin, as may occur when blood is withdrawn by a needle and syringe from an arm vein
edema puffy swelling of tissue from the accumulation of fluid
induration abnormal hard spot(s) or area of skin; may include underlying tissue
jaundice condition characterized by yellow coloring of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera (whites of the eyes) caused by the presence of bile (also called icterus)
lesion any visible change in tissue resulting from injury or disease. It is a broad term that includes sores, wounds, ulcers, and tumors.
leukoplakia condition characterized by white spots or patches on mucous membranes, which may be precancerous
macule flat, colored spot on the skin
nevus (pl. nevi) circumscribed malformation of the skin, usually brown, black, or flesh colored. A congenital nevus is present at birth and is referred to as a birthmark. (also called a mole)
nodule small, knotlike mass that can be felt by touch
pallor paleness
papule small, solid skin elevation
petechiae (s. petechia) tiny (0.3cm or smaller), pinpoint bright red lesions that result from escape of blood into the skin and mucous membranes
pruritus itching
purpura small (between 0.3cm & 1cm), reddish purple-lesions caused by escape of blood into skin and mucus membranes
pustule elevation of skin containing pus
ulcer erosion of the skin or mucous membrane
verruca circumscribed cutaneous elevation caused by a virus (also called a wart)
vesicle small elevation of the epidermis containing liquid (also called a blister)
wheal transitory, itchy elevation of the skin with a white center and a red surrounding area; is an individual urticaria (hive) lesion
Created by: kbkrause
Popular Medical sets




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