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Chapter 2 Terms


Cell Smallest unit of the body that is capable of independent existence
Conception Fertilization of the egg by sperm to form a zygote
Cytology study of the cell
Cytologist Specialist in the structure, chemistry, and pathology of the cell
Fertilization union of male sperm and female egg to form a zygote
Fertilize Penetration of the egg by sperm
In Vitro Process of combining sperm and eggs in a laboratory dish and placing resulting embryos inside a uterus
FERTILIZ- To make fruitful
-elle Small
-ism Condition, Process
Organ Structure with specific functions in a body system
Organism any whole living, individual plant or animal
Organelle Part of a cell having specialized functions
Tissue Collection of similar cells
Zygote Cell resulting from the union of sperm and egg
Anabolism The buildup of complex substances in the cell from simpler ones as a part of metabolism
Catabolism The Breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones as a part of metabolism
Chromosome Body in the nucleus that contains DNA and genes
Cytoplasm Clear, gelatinous substance that forms substance of a cell except for the nucleus
Deoxyribonucleic acid Source of hereditary characteristics found in chromosomes
ANABOL- Build up
CATABOL- Break down
-some Body
Chrom/o- Color
Hormon- Hormone
-Cellul- Small Cell
Intracellular Within the cell
Lipid all types of fatty compounds
Membrane Thin layer of tissue covering a structure or cavity
Membranous Pertaining to membrane
Metabolism Constantly changing physical and chemical processes occuring in the cell that are the sum of anabolism or catabolism
Metabolic Pertaining to metabolism
Mitochondria organelles that generate, store, and release energy for the cell activities
Nucleolus Small mass within the nucleus
nucleus Functional center of a cell or structure
nuclear Pertaining to a nucleus
Protien Class of food substances based on amino acids
Ribonucleic acid The information carrier from DNA in the nucleus to an organelle to produce protein molecules.
Steroid Large family of chemical substances found in many drugs, hormones, and body components
Membran- Cover, Skin
Metabol- Change
Nucle- Nucleus
ribo- from ribose, a sugar
-oid resembling
ster- solid
Arthroscopy Visual examination of the interior part of the joint
Connective Tissue The supporting tissue of the body
Cruciate Shaped like a cross
Graft Transplant of living tissue
Histology Study of the structure and function of cells, tissues and organs
Histologist Specialist in Histology
Ligament Band of fibrous tissue connecting two structures
Meniscus Disc of cartilage between the bones of a joint
muscle A tissue consisting of contractile cells
Patella Thin, circular bone embedded in the patellar tendon in front of the knee joint/kneecap
Patellar Pertaining to patella
Therapy Systematic treatment of a disease, dysfunction, or disorder
Therapeutic Relating to the treatment of a disease or disorder
Therapist Professional trained in practice if a particular therapy
Connective Bind, support, protect, fill spaces and store fat
Epithelial Protect, secrete, absorb, excrete
Capsule Fibrous tissue layer surrounding a joint or other structures
Cartilage Nonvascular, firm connective tissue found mostly in joints
Collagen Major protein of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone
Matrix Substance that surrounds and protects cells is manufactured by the cells and holds them together
Nutrient Substance found in foods that are required for normal physiologic functions
Periosteum Fibrous membrane covering a bone
Synovial Pertaining to the synovial membrane or fluid
Tendon fibrous band that connects muscle to the bone
Capsul- Box
Coll- Glue
-ent End result
nutri- nourish
-um tissue
-ov- egg
syn- together
-oste- bone
Anatomy Study of the structures of the human body
Anatomical Pertaining to anatomy
anterior The front surface of the body
Caudal Pertaining to or near the tailbone
Cephilic Pertaining to or near the head
Coronal Pertaining to the vertical plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
Distal Away from the center of the body
Dorsal Pertaining to the back
Inferior Situated below
Lateral Situated at the side of the structure
Medial Nearer to the middle of the body
posterior Pertaining to the back surface of the body
Prone Laying face down (flat on belly)
Proximal Nearest to center of the body
Sagittal vertical plane through the body by dividing it into right and left portions
Superior Situated above
Supine Lying face up, flat on your spine
Transverse Horizontal plane dividing the body into upper and lower portions
Ventral pertaining to or near the belly
ana- Apart from
caud- tail
cephal- head
coron- crown
dist- away from center
dorse- back
infer- below
later- side
medi- middle
poster- back part
proxim- near center
sagitt- arrow
Super- Above
ventr- Belly
abdomin- abdomen
-pelv- pelvis
-ity state, condition
cav- hallow
Crani- skull
Diaphragmat- Diaphragm
Spin- Spine
Thorac- Chest
Umbilic- Naval (Belly Button)
Abdomen part of the trunk between the thorax and pelvis
Abdominopelvic Pertaining to abdomen and pelvis
Cavity Hallow space or component
Cranial Pertaining to the Cranium
Cranium Skull
diaphgram muscular sheet separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities
quadrant one quarter of a circle of the abdominal surface
Spine vertebral column
Thoracic pertaining to the chest
Thorax part of the trunk between abdomen and neck
umbilicus pit in the abdomen where the umbilical cord entered the fetus
-vascul- Blood vessel
Digest- Break down food
-stasus Stand still, control
Home/o- Same
Integument- Covering the body
Lymph- Lymph, lymphatic system
urin- Urine
Skelet- Skeleton
Created by: Lebronit
Popular Medical sets




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