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Anatomy/Med Term 2

CH 5 The Skeletal System: Diseases and Disorders of the Skeletal System

What is the most common type of broken bone injury? A fracture
Define Open Fracture Bone is broken and has cut through the skin
Define Closed Fracture Bone is broken but bone doesn't penetrate the skin
Comminuted Bone Fracture Bone is broken and more than 2 pieces have broken off
Simple Fracture Fracture occurs along one line and splits the bone into two pieces
Complete Fracture Fracture with bone fragments that are completely separated
Incomplete Fracture Fracture in which bone fragments are still partially joined
Multi-Fragmentary Fracture Fracture in which the bone splits into several pieces
Complex Fracture Broken Bone severely damages the surrounding tissue
Greenstick Fracture Incomplete fracture in which the bone is bent. This type of fracture is most common in children
Transverse Fracture A fracture at a right angle to the bone's long axis
Impacted Fracture The ends of the fracture are driven into each other
Pathological Fracture Bone has broken because it's weak from disease
What is a Primary Bone Tumor? Primary Bone Tumors begin in the bone and are frequently diagnosed when a physician treats a fracture.
What type of tumor in the bone is serious and spreads quickly? Malignant Tumors
What are the 3 types of Malignant bone tumors? Osteosarcoma Ewing's tumor Chondrosacroma
What is a Secondary Bone Tumor? Secondary Bone Tumors begin in another organ, such as the breast, and traveled to the bone.
What is the treatment for malignant bone tumors? Excision of the tumor and sometimes amputation, radiation, and chemotherapy
What is Arthralgia? Joint pain
What is Arthritis? Inflammation of a joint
What is Arthropathy? Any joint disease
What is bursitis? inflammation of the bursae
What is dislocation? a bone out of place in a joint
What is lordosis? swayback
What is lumbago? pain in the lower back
What is myeloma? tumor (benign) in bone marrow
What is osteitis? bone inflammation
What is osteochondritis? inflammation of the bone and cartilage
What is osteoma? bone tumor (benign)
What is osteoporosis? bone loss
What is osteosarcoma? malignant bone tumor
What is scoliosis? curvature of the spine
What is spondylitis? inflammation of the vertebrae
What is spondylopathy disease of the vertebrae
What is talipes? Club foot
Created by: jmwhelpley
Popular Medical sets




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