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Health Careers

Foudations of Healthcare

Certification You have met requirements of training and education and received a document saying so.
Registration You are included on a list of people qualified to do a job. This is maintained by an official agency.
Licensure This is issued by a government agency to give permission for you to work in that state or area-you must pay a fee to renew it.
Accreditation Your school has been evaluated and been approved for training. If you graduate from this school, you will be eligible for licensure
Credentials Letters that come after a medical person's name. The letters show what job the person can legally do.,
Associate's Degree Two year course of study. Can be from technical/community college.
Bachelor's Degree Course of study lasting four years after high school
Master's Degree Degree from a college or university after 5-6 years
Doctorate Degree that takes 7-8 years after high school, but can be longer.
Career Ladder shows progression of levels within a career field
Secondary High School
Post secondary Education after High School
mulitcompetent/multiskilled workers who are cross trained so they can do jobs in different departments.
Allied Health jobs Most healthcare jobs that are not doctors or nurses
Hippocrates Father of Medicine, his oath is still used by new physicians
Trephination Drilling a hole in the skull to relieve pressure
FDA Government agency responsible for safety of US foods and medications
HIPAA A law that protects a patients ability to access their medical records and control who has access to their health information.
Tricare Insurance that is for military and their families.
Medicaid Insurance for low income families and foster children
Medicare Insurance for those 65 years of age and older or permanently disabled.
OSHA Establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job related injuries or illness.
Created by: tami.arnold
Popular Medical sets




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