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APES Ch5 Vocab


Species Richness The number of species in a given area
Species Eveness The relative proportion of individuals within the different species in a given area
Phylogeny The branching pattern of evolutionary relationships
Evolution A change in the genetic composition of a population over time
Microevolution Evolution below the species level
Macroevolution Evolution that gives rise to new species, genera, families, classes, or phyla
Gene A physical location on the chromosomes within each cell of an organism
Genotype The complete set of genes in an individual
Phenotype A set of traits expressed by an individual
Mutation A random change in the genetic code produced by a mistake in the copying process
Recombination The genetic process by which one chromosome breaks off and attached to another chromosome during reproductive cell division
Evolution by artificial selection The process in which humans determine which individuals breed, typically with a preconceived set of traits in mind
Evolution by natural selection The process in which the environment determines which individuals survive and reproduce
Fitness An individual's ability to survive and reproduce
Adaptation A trait that improves an individual's fitness
Gene Flow The process by which individuals move from one population to another and thereby alter the genetic composition of both populations
Genetic Drift A change in the genetic composition of a population over time as a result of random mating
Bottleneck effect A reduction in the genetic diversity of a population caused by a reduction in its size
Extinction The death of the last member of a species
Founder effect A change in the genetic composition of a population as a result of descending from a small number of colonizing individuals
Geographic isolation Physical separation of a group of individuals from others of the same species
Allopatric Speciation The process of speciation that occurs with geographic isolation
Reproductive isolation The result of two populations within a species evolving separately to the point that they can no longer interbreed and produce viable offspring
Sympatric speciation The evolution of one species into two, without geographic isolation
Genetically modified organism (GMO) An organism produced by copying genes from a species with a desirable trait and then inserting them into another species
Range of tolerance The limits to the abiotic conditions that a species can tolerate
Fundamental Niche The suite of abiotic conditions under which a species can survive, grow, and reproduce
Realized niche The range of abiotic and biotic conditions under which a species actually lives
Distribution Areas of the world in which a species lives
Niche generalist A species that can live under a wide range of abiotic or biotic conditions
Niche specialist A species that is specialized to live in a specific habitat or to feed on a small group of species
Mass Extinction A large extinction of species in a relatively short period of time
Created by: 5453243824791343
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