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Chapter 3 Terms


-opsy to view
biopsy removing tissue from a living person for laboratory examination
Carcinoma a malignant and invasive epithelial tumor
carcin- cancer
-oma Tumor
cutaneous pertaining to the skin
dermatology Study of the skin
Dermatologic Pertaining to the skin
dermat/o- skin
cryosurgery use of liquid nitrogen or argon gas in a probe to freeze and kill. abnormal tissue.
etiology Study of the cause of disease.
eti/o- cause
excrete to pass waste products of metabolism out of body
excretion removal of waste
flora population of microorganisms covering the exterior. and interior. surfaces of healthy animals
integument Organ system that covers the body, the skin being the main organ within the system
secrete produce a chemical substance in a cell and release it from the cell. movement out of a cell.
squamous cell flat, scale-like epithelial cell.
syn- together
-thet- arrange
-thesis organize
synthesis building a compound from other elements
vasoconstriction Reduction in diameter of blood vessel.
vasodialiation increase in diameter of blood vessel.
adipose containing fat
adip- fat
-ose full of
kerat- hard protein
melan- back pigment
sebac/e- wax
-cutan/e- skin
sub- below
ultra- beyond
analgesic substance that reduces or relieves the response to pain without producing loss of consciousness
dandruff scales in hair from shedding of epidermis
dermis connective tissue layer of the skin beneath the epidermis
epidermis top layer of the skin
follicle spherical mass of cells containing a cavity or a small cul-de-sac such as a hair follicle
hypodermis loose connective tissue layer of skin below the dermis
intradermal within the epidermis
intramuscular within the muscles
keratin proteins present in skin, hair, and nails
melanin black pigment found in skin hair and the retina
sebaceous glands glands in the dermis that open into hair follicles and secrete a waxy fluid called sebum
subcutaneous below the skin
transdermal going across or through the skin
ultraviolet light rays at a higher frequency then the violet end of the spectrum
wheal small, itchy swelling of the skin
congenital present at birth
decubitus ulcer sore caused by laying down for long periods of time
herpes zoster painful eruption of vesicles that follows a nerve root on one side of the body
macule small, flat spot or patch on skin
malignant tumor that invades. surrounding tissues and metastasizes to distinct organs.
metastasize spread of disease from one part of the body to another
nevus congenital lesion of the skin
papillomavirus virus that causes warts and is associated with cancer
papule small, circumscribed elevation on skin
verruca wart caused by virus
-stasis stays in one place
malign- harmful, bad
-cubitus lying down
candida Yeast like fungus
Candida Albicans Thrush Most common form of candida another name for infection
Carbuncle infection of many hair follicles within a small area often on the back of the neck
Cellulitis infections of subcutaneous connective tissue
Contagious can be transmitted or a disease caused by the action of a microorganism
Fungus general term used to describe yeasts and molds
Impetigo infection of the skin producing thick, yellow crusts
Infection invasion of the body by disease-producing microorganisms
Infestation Act of being invaded on the skin by a troublesome other species such as a parasite
Louse/Lice Parasitic insect
Mucocutaneous Junction of skin and mucous membrane
Necrotizing fasciitis Inflammation of fascia producing death of the tissue
Parasite organism that attaches itself to, lives on or in, and derives its nutrition from another species
Pediculosis infestation with lice
scabies skin disease produced by lice
Tinea general term for a group of related skin infections caused by different species of fungi
Toxin Poisonous substance. formed by a cell or organism
-iasis State of, Condition
Candid- Candida
-ion Action
-tiz- pertaining to
necr/o death
fasc/i- fascia
pedicul/o- Lice
Autoimmune disease in which the body makes antibodies directed against its own tissues
Dermatomyositis inflammation of the skin and muscles
Kaposi Sarcoma Form of skin cancer seen in AIDS patients
Psoriasis Rash characterized by reddish, silver scaled patches
Rosacea Persistent erythematous rash of the central face
Scleroderma pertaining to the systems of a disease
Symptom departure from normal health experienced by the paitent
Systemic lupus or erythematosus inflammatory connective tissue disease affecting the whole body
auto- self
-myos- muscle
scler/o- hard
erythemat- redness
Acne inflammatory disease of sebaceous glands and hair follicles
Androgen Hormone that promotes masculine characteristics
Comedo too much sebum and too many keratin cells blocking the hair follicle to produce the comedo
Cyst Abnormal fluid-filled sac surrounded by a membrane
Pustule Small protuberance on the skin containing pus
Scar Fibrotic seam that forms when a wound heals
andr/o- male
-gen Produce, create
Alopecia Partial or complete loss of hair, naturally or from medication
Cuticle nonliving epidermis at base of fingernails and toenails
Matrix formative portion of a hair, nail or tooth
onychomycosis condition of fungus infection in a nail
paronychia infection alongside the nail
para- alongside
-onych- nail
abrasion area of skin or mucous membrane that has been scraped off
antibiotic substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys bacteria and other micro organisms
anti-inflammatory prevent or reduce inflammation
antifungal prevent or reduce fungus
chemotherapy treatment using chemical agents
dermascope instrument to assist in examining skin lesions
excision surgical removal of part of a structure
lesion wound, injury, or pathological change in a tissue.
systemic pertaining to the body as a whole
ulcer loss of tissue of the epidermis, usually with inflammation
-ory having functions of
anti- against
bio- life
inflammation cell and chemical reactions occuring in response to an injury or chemical or biological agent
scald burn from contact with hot liquid or steam
shock sudden physical or mental collapse or circulatory collapse
allograft skin graft from another person or cadaver
allo- other
-graft transplant
autograft skin graft from themselves
cadavar dead body or corpse
debridement removal of injured or necrotic tissue
eschar burnt, dead tissue lying on top of a third degree burn
heterograft graft from another species
homograft skin graft from another person or cadaver
lentigo age spot
regenerate reconstitution of a lost part
xenograft graft from a non human species
xeno- foreign
-bride- rubbish
abdominoplasty surgical removal of excess subcutaneous fat from the abdominal wall
-plasty Surgical repair
abrasion area of skin or mucous membrane that has been scraped off
blepharoplasty surgical repair of eyelid
clot mass of fibrin and cells that are produced in a wound
dermabrasion removal of upper layers of skin by rotary brush
-abras- scrape off
blephar/o- eyelid
granul- Small Grain
Granulation new fibrous tissue formed during wound healing
incision cut or surgical wound
excision surgical removal of part or all of a structure
keloid raised, irregular, lumpy scar due to excess collagen
laceration tear or jagged wound of the skin caused by blunt trauma
lipectomy surgical removal of adipose tissue
mammoplasty surgical procedure to change size or shape
rhinoplasty surgical procedure to change the size of nose
scab crust that forms over a wound or sore during healing
suture stitch to hold the edges of a wound together
wound any injury that interrupts the continuity of skin or mucous membrane
lacer- to tear
incis- cut into
excis- cut out
-suct- suck
mamm/o- boobies
rhin/o- nose
Created by: Lebronit
Popular Medical sets




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