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Chapter 7 Cards
Medical Terminology: Creative Study Assignment - Chapter 7
Term | Definition |
aden/o | male |
dips/o | thirst |
catecholamines | hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla that affect the sympathetic nervous system in a stress response |
glucocorticoids | hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism and have anti-inflammatory effects; cortisol is the most significant glucocorticoids |
mineralocorticoid | hormones that maintain salt and water balance |
norepinephrine | hormone that is secreted in response to hypotension (low blood pressure) and physical stress |
parathyroid hormone (PTH) | hormone that regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism |
pineal gland | located in the center of the brain; secretes melatonin and serotonin |
oxytocin (OXT) | hormone released by the posterior pituitary that influences uterine contraction |
testosterone | affects masculinization and reproduction |
thymus | located in the mediastinum (partition between the lungs) anterior to and above the heart; secretes thymosin |
thymosin | hormone that regulated immune response |
hirsutism | shaggy; an excessive growth of hair, especially in unusual places (e.g., a woman with a beard) |
hyperkalemia | an abnormally high level of potassium in the blood (kalium = potassium) |
goiter | enlargement of the thyroid caused by thyroid dysfunction, tumor, lack of iodine in the diet, or inflammation (goiter = throat) |
myxedema | advanced hypothyroidism in adults characterized by sluggishness, slow pulse, puffiness in the hands and face, and dry skin (myx = mucus) |
computed tomography | CT of the head is used to obtain a transverse (horizontal) view of the pituitary gland |
sonography | sonographic images are used to indentify endocrine pathology, such as thyroid ultrasound |
hypophysectomy | removal of the pituitary gland |
hormone replacement therapy | treatment with a hormone to correct a hormonal deficiency (e.g., estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid) |
antihyperglycemic | a drug that lowers theblood glucose level (e.g., insulin); also called hypoglycemic |
metabolism | all chemical processes in the body that result in growth, generation of energy, elimination of waste, and other body functions |
polydipsia | excessive thirst |
polyuria | excessive urination |
hypersecrection | abnormally increased secretion |
hyposecretion | abnormally decreased secretion |
steroid hormones | hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex |
progesterone | hormones that regulates uterine conditions during pregnancy |
vasopressin (VP) | hormone released by the posterior pituitary that influences the absorption of water by kidney tubules; also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) |
testes | located on both sides within the scrotum of a male; secrete testosterone |