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Lab exam

A and P lab exam 1

cephalic head
frontal forehead
orbital eye
buccal cheek
mental jaw/chin
cervical neck
axillary armpit
brachial arm
coxal pelvis bones (excluding sacrum)
carpal wrist
thoracic mid back
pelvic below lumbar region of abdomen
inguinal groin
pubic pubic bone of pelvis
femoral thighs
patellar knee
crural shin
tarsal ankle
cranial skull
occipital base of skull
lumbar low back/spine
gluteal butt
sacral end of spine/ between pelvic bones
perineal region between genitals and anus
popliteal back of knee
calcanea heel
sural calf
antebrachial forearm
metric units for volume liters
metric unit for length meter
metric unit for mass grams
metric unit for temperature celcius
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion (F-32) x 5 ------------ 9
how many pounds in a kilogram 2.2 lbs
how many centimeters in an inch 2.54
microscope: ocular lenses lenses closest to your eyes
microscope: objective part the you can rotate to change the zoom; the stubs
microscope: nosepiece place the objective (stubs) is attached to
microscope: stage platform where slide sits
microscope: coarse adjustment big knob on side to make big changes to focus the slide
microscope: fine adjustment small knob on big knob to sharpen the focus
microscope: condenser lease that concentrates light
microscope: diaphragm adjusts light intensity
total magnification = lense (normally 10) x objective
images in microscope appear upside down and backwards
nucleus function contains cells genetic code
nucleolus synthesis of ribosomal nucleic acid (RNA)
rough ER transports proteins synthesized by ribosomes on the ER
smooth ER manufactures molecule of cell membranes like lipids
golgi apparatus processes material from the ER and puts it in vesicles
mitochondria synthesis of ATP
ribosomes site of protein synthesis
plasma membrane keeps cell inside cell, semipermeable
peroxisome breaks down lipids
lysosome digestive system of the cell
cytosol jelly that organelles are suspended in
vesicles transport materials
brownian motion random motion of particles, drives diffusion
diffusion particles tend to move from an area of high to low concentration
osmosis movement of water from a high to low; moves to dilute solute
tonicity relative term comparing the concentrations of one solution to another
osmolarity # of dissolved particles/ total volume
selectively permeable allows passage of some molecules; small hydrophobic for the cell
hematocrit percent of total volume taken up by RBCs
how to obtain hematocrit take a sample of blood, spin it, measure dark red section
how does urea being able to cross the cell membrane affect fluid movement? water will move to dilute the solute
how does crenation affect hematocrit? decrease in packed cell volume
how does hemolysis affect hematocrit? decrease in RBC amount but also made it hard to measure since it dyed the plasma red
function of epithelium protection, absorption, filtration, excretion, sensory reception
simple squamous absorption, in places that need to diffuse like alveoli or lining body cavities
simple cuboidal secrete and absorption; in kidney tubules and glands
simple columnar absorption; usually with cilia and microvilli; in intestine and stomach
stratified squamous (keratinized) protection; epidermis
stratified squamous (nonkeratinized) protection but not exposed to outside dryness, esophagus
stratified cuboidal secreting; in ducts like salivary and sweat
stratified columnar secrete and protect; mucous membrane lining the eyelids
pseudo stratified columnar barrier that moves things, absorption and secretion; upper respiratory tract; has cilia
purpose of connective tissue vascularized, connection, structural support, material transport, storage
loose areolar provides support, binds skin in papillary dermis
adipose storage of fat and energy and cushioning from organs
reticular support cell types in lymph organs
dense fibrous regular connection; tendons and ligaments
dense fibrous irregular connection; allows for 360 stretch and tension; in reticular dermis and capsules of organs
elastic connective tissue structural support; resistance to stretching; walls of arteries
elastic cartilage structural support; outer ear
hyaline cartilage structural support; ends of bones and epiphyseal plate
fibrocartilage structural support; intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis
blood transport
hair cylinder of keratin; root is in follicle, shaft, bulb, arrestor pili
sebaceous glands produce sebum, condition hair and skin, prevents water loss
apocrine glands axillary, genital areas; produce smelly organic substance
eccrine glands everywhere else; produce salty watery sweat
fontanelles of fetal skull posterior, anterior, sphenoid, and mastoid
osteon single circle unit; the whole tree,
canaliculi beatle legs, bone fingers, small canals
lacuna bone nest, where osteocyte lies, body of Beatle
lamella individual tree rings,
myeloid tissue in medullary cavity, bone marrow
osteocyte maintains bone matrix, lies in lucuna
periosteum outside of bone
endosteum lining of medullary cavity
trabecula the mesh of spongey bone, the sponge
transverse canal connects osteons, lie horizontally
parietal bone (x2) crown of head
frontal bone forehead
temporal bone (x2) on temples, below parietal
occipital bone base of skull
ethmoid (x2) outer nose bones, by the eyes
nasal (x2) nose bones
maxillary (x2) below your nose; part of jaw fused to skull
zygomatic (x2) cheekbone
mandible mobile jaw
lacrimal (x2) in front of ethmoid, inner corner of eye
palatine (x2) hinge of jaw, hard palate
vomer small nasal midline bone
angle corner
body main portion of bone
condyle rounded bump, usually a joint
crest moderately raised ridge; usually for muscle attachment
epicondyle bump near condyle, bump on bump
facet flat surface
fissure long crackled hole
foramen round hole
head distinct epiphysis
line less pronounced ridge
margin edge of flat bone
meatus tubelike opening or channel
neck base of head
notch V like depression in the margin of flat bone
process a raised area of projection
ramus curved portion of a bone
sinus cavity within a bone
sulcus groove or elongated depression
spine sharp ridge
trochanter largest bump
tubercle small bump
tuberosity oblong raised bump
sesamoid bone patella
wormian bones sutures of skull
Pacinian corpuscles pressure
Ruffini’s corpuscles slippage
Thermoreceptors/ free nerve endings hot/cold
Meissners’ corpuscles touch
Merkel’s discs texture
Created by: tannejoy
Popular Science sets




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