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Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
Dyspnea | Shortness of Breath |
Tachypnea | Abnormally fast rate of breathing |
Bradypnea | Abnormally slow rate of breathing |
Hemoptysis | Coughing up blood |
Expectoration | Coughing up sputum |
Sputum | Mucus or phlegm coughed up from the lungs |
Walking Pneumonia | Very mild pneumonia caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. |
Histoplasmosis | A fungal disease that occurs when someone breathes in fungal spores from bat or bird droppings |
Aspiration Pneumonia | A type of pneumonia in which food, saliva or vomit is inhaled into the lungs |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) | In this disease, there is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema caused by chronic exposure to pollution or smoking. |
Cystic Fibrosis | A hereditary disease that affects the cells that secrete mucus, causing excessive mucus buildup that blocks the alveoli |