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Unit 1 key terms

Acute infectious disease An illness with sudden onset that has a intense but short effect on the body
Affordable care act Healthcare reform legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010 with a goal of increasing access to health insurance while controlling healthcare costs.
Center for Disease Control Branch of the federal government that tracks the health of the nation and provides support to identify causes of epidemics and food-borne illnesses
electronic health records Individual patient health record stored in a computer database for easy access by physicians and other healthcare workers regardless of the setting
epidemics an outbreak of disease in a certain geographic are in greater number than usual; the most common cause of an epidemic in the United State is influenza.
globalization ease of access to travel and transportation of food products. Increase exposure to communicable diseases and food-borne illness, and adds to challenges in tracking the origin of disease of food-borne illness.
Human Genome Project An international research project that sequenced and mapped all human genes and allows prediction of illness and adverse drug response.
Infant mortality The number of deaths in children less than one year of age per 1,000 live births; reflects the quality of health care.
Infectious disease Illness caused by pathogenic viruses, fungi, or bacteria and transmitted by person-to-person contact of through a vector such as infected mosquito, e.g., malaria or West Nile virus.
Medicaid Healthcare program for low-income pregnant women, seniors at 100% of the federal poverty level, and individuals with disabilities; jointly funded by federal and state governments.
MRSA A strain of the S. auteus bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. In community setting, MRSA is usually confined to the skin; in medical facilities, MRSA causes life-threatening bloodstream and surgical site infections and pneumonia.
Sepsis the body's extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. happens when an infection you already have triggers a chain reaction throughout your body.
World Health Organization Agency of the United Nations that directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations' system.
CHAMPVA Program that provides health care for family members of disabled or deceased member of the military services.
Diagnosis and treatment Identifying and treating injury or disease
Disease prevention Public health programs designed to reduce the risk of injury or illness in the workplace or for the general public
Mental health services Diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental or emotional illnesses, including alcohol or substance abuse.
Health maintenance organization Insurance provider that administers basic and supplemental health maintenance and treatment services to enrolless who pay a fixed fee.
Long term services and supports system of providing health and personal care support for the disabled, elderly, or others with chronic health problems in people's homes instead of an institution.
Managed care organization Healthcare plan with established cost controls and designed to improve quality of care.
Medicaid Healthcare program for low-income pregnant women, seniors at 100% of the federal poverty level, and individuals with disabilities; jointly funded by federal and state governments.
Medicare Provides health care to the disabled and those over 65 years of age
preferred provider organization Health insurance covered by an employer, shared with the employee or purchased through a Health Exchange.
reimbursement to make a return payment to
Geriatrics Branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases of old age and aging people
long term services and supports Systems of providing health and personal care support for the disabled, elderly, or others with chronic health problems in people's homes instead of an institution.
Program of All-inclusive care for the elderly program that provides comprehensive preventive, primary, acute and long-term care services so older individuals with chronic care needs can continue living in their local community.
Obama Care a common term used to describe the ACA named after President Barack Obama, who signed the bill into law. Website operated by HHS that provides information for Americans seeking to obtain health insurance.
Medicaid Expansion The ACA gave individual states the option of expanding Medicaid to those at 133% of the federal poverty level.
Billing process The method of submitting and following up with claims made to government payers, insurance companies, and patients
functional magnetic resonance imaging A method of tracing the work of brain cells by tracking changes in oxygen levels and blood flow to the brain.
Medical technology This procedures, equipment, and process by which medical are is delivered.
Patient portal An online application that allows patients to interact and communicate with their healthcare providers.
picture archiving and communication system tech that captures and integrates diagnostic and radiological images from various devices, stores them, and disseminates them to a health record, a clinical repository, or other points of care.
telemedicine the use of electronic communications and information technologies to provide or support clinical care at a distance.
Created by: 574192
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