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MEDA - Musculoskel.
Musculoskeletal (ALL TERMS)
Question | Answer |
ankyl/o | crooked or stiff |
arthr/o | joint |
brachi/o | arm |
cervic/o | neck |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cost/o | rib |
crani/o | skull |
fasci/o | fascia (a band of connective tissue) |
femor/o | femur |
fibr/o | fiber |
lumb/o | loin (lower back) |
myel/o | bone marrow or spinal cord |
sacr/o | sacrum |
my/o | muscle |
oste/o | bone |
patell/o | knee cap |
spondyl/o | vertebra |
vertebr/o | vertebra |
stern/o | sternum (breastbone) |
clavicul/ | clavicle (collar bone) |
tendin/o | tendon |
thorac/o | chest |
ton/o | tone or tension |
necr/o | death |
/trophy | nourishment or developement |
inter- | between |
intra- | within |
sub- | below or under |
supra- | above or excessive |
-osis | condition or increase |
-oid | resembling |
-itis | inflammation |
-algia | pain |
-dynia | pain |
-desis | binding |
-centesis | surgical puncture for aspiration |
-o/scopy | visual examination |
-al | pertaining to |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ous | pertaining to |
-ar | pertaining to |
-malacia | softening |
-megaly | enlargement |
-oma | tumor |
-penia | abnormal reduction |
-porosis | porous condition; cavity formation |
-o/meter | instrument for measuring |
-o/metry | process of measuring |
-o/rrhaphy | suture |
-o/rrhexis | rupture |
crepitation/crepitus | grating sound made by movement of some joints or broken bones |
rigor | stiffness; stiff muscle |
spasm | drawing in; involuntary muscle contraction |
tremor | shaking; rhythmic muscular movement |
bursa | a fibrous sac between certain tendons and bones that is lined with a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid |
kyphosis | abnormal posterior curvature of the thoracic spine (humpback condition) |
lordosis | abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar spine (sway-back condition) |
scoliosis | abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (S-shaped curve) |
edema | swelling |
subluxation | a partial dislocation |
analgesic | a drug that relieves pain |
anti-inflammatory | a drug that relieves inflammation |
antipyretic | a drug that relieves fever |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
EMG | electromyogram |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
XR | x-ray |
LS Spine | lumbosacral |
PT | physical therapy |
NSAID | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
Fx | fracture |
OA | osteoarthritis |
ROM | range of motion |