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Chapter 8 Cards

Medical Terminology: Creative Study Assignment - Chapter 8

blast/o germ or bud
chyl/o juice
reticul/o a net
serum liquid portion of the blood that remains after clotting
hemoglobin the protein-iron compound in erythrocytes that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
lacteals specialized lymph vessels in the small intestine that absorb fat into the bloodstream (lacteus = milky)
antigen a substance that, when introduced into the body, causes the formation of antibodies against it
antibody a substance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates an antigen that has entered the body
active immunity a long-lasting immunity that results from stimulating the body to produce its own antibodies; developed either naturally, in response to an infection, or artificially, in response to the administration of a vaccine
passive immunity a short-lasting immunity that results from foreign antibodies that are conveyed either naturally, through the placenta to a fetus, or artificially, by injection of a serum containing antibodies
anisocytosis presence of red blood cells of unequal size (an = not, without; iso = equal)
poikilocytosis presence of large, irregularly shaped red blood cells (poikilo = irregular)
lymphadenopathy enlarged (diseased) lymph nodes
anemia a condition of reduced numbers of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or packed red cells in the blood, resulting in a diminished ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen to the tissues
hemochromatosis hereditary disorder with an excessive buildup of iron deposits in the body
hemophilia a group of hereditary bleeding disorders caused by a defect in clotting factors necessary for the coagulation of blood
metastasis process by which cancer cells are spread by blood or lymph circulation to a distant organ; the plural form, metastases, indicates spreading to two or more distant sites
septicemia systemic disease caused by infection with microorganisms and their toxins in circulating blood
blood chemistry test of the fluid portion of blood to measure the amounts of its chemical constituents (e.g., glucose and cholesterol)
basic metabolic panel (BMP) battery of tests used as a general screen for disease; includes tests for calcium, carbon dioxide (CO2), chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
comprehensive metabolic panel tests performed in addition to the basic panel for expanded screening: albumin, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, protein, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
CD4 cell couunt a measure of the number of cluster of differentiation (CD4) cells (a subset of T lymphocytes) in the blood; used in monitoring the course of HIV and in timing the treatment of AIDS; the normal adult range is 600–1,500 cells in a given volume of blood
blood indices calculations of RBC, HGB, and HCT results to determine the average size, hemoglobin concentration, and content of red blood cells to classify an anemia
red cell morphology as part of identifying and counting the white blood cells, the condition, size, and shape of red blood cells in the background of the smeared slide are noted (e.g., anisocytosis, poikilocytosis)
pancytopenia an abnormally reduced number of all cellular components in the blood
lymph/o clear fluid
basophil a granular leukocyte, named for the dark stain of its granules, that brings anticoagulant substances to inflamed tissues (baso = base; phil = attraction for)
agranulocytes a group of leukocytes without granules in their nuclei
lymph ducts collecting channels that carry lymph from the lymph nodes to the veins
thrombocytopenia an abnormally decreased number of platelets in the blood, impairing the clotting process
Created by: sstrickland25
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