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3.01 vocabulary
Business Activities
Term | Definition |
Goals | Objective that business will achieve |
Business for porfit | Operates to make money |
Financial analysis | The proccesof planning , maintaining, monitoring, controlling, and reporting the use of financialresources |
Business | A business that operates for profit |
Resources | Information effectively |
Business activities | Actions taken by business to generate profits or to reach financial goals |
Profits | The amount earned and the amount spent in buying, opersting, or producing something |
Production | The action of making or manufacturing from components or raw matyerials, or the process of being so manufactured |
For profit | Denoting an organization that operates to make profit, especially one that would more typically be nonprofit |
Nonprofit | Not making or conducted primarily to make a profit |
Overhead | The ongoing costs to operate a business but excludes th direct costs associated with crating a product or service |
Financing | The process of proiding funds for business activites, making purchase, or investing |
Angel investors | A wealthy person who invests his or her own money in a company usally a start up that is in the early stages of development |
Debt | The entire stock of direct goverment fixed term contractual obligations to others outstanding on a particular date |
Bonds | A debt decurity, similar to an IOU |
Loans | An agreement where you are credited with a fixed amount of money for a fixed period of time, usally with interest |
Interest | The price you pay to borrow money or the cost you charge to lend money |
Equilty | what the business owns or controls minus debt |
Assets | Anything that has current or future economic value to a business |
Accounting | keeping accurate and useful financial records |
Financial records | Document that provide evidence of or summarize business transaction |
Expenses | A cost that busiesses incur in running their operations |
Income | The amount of money, property, and other transfers of value received over a set period of time in exchange for services or product |
Human resources management | The process of planninng, staffing, leading, and organizing employees |
Human resources | |
Supervisors | The manager at the first level of management |
Managers | A person who is responsible for a part of a company |
Executives | A person responsible for running an organization |
Recruiting | A process of bringing together prospective employees and employer with a view to stimulate the prospective employees to offer their services in the working organization |
Orienting |